
 Students Of The Week ~ Term 4 Week 5~6

for Attitude, Values and Study Habits


K-2 ~ Max Broadhead

for effort and application in Mathematics.


K-2 ~ Jack Millar

for persevering with numbers in Mathematics.




Yr 3-6 ~ Jacob Carroll

for trying his best in all curriculum areas at all times.


Yr 3-6 ~ Grace Groves

for sharing her depth of knowledge about Advent in Religion lessons.


Goals for Living Well  Learning Well 

I am Safe, I am Valued, Respected and Cared For, I am a Learner

Recipients for  Term 4 ~ Week 2

'I am Valued, Respected and Cared for ' 

Ellie Rodstrom


for treating her peers with respect at all times.



Archer Bates

for seeing a need and doing something about it without prompting.

Reading Awards


Congratulations to the following student received their Reading Nights certificates.


100 Nights ~ Eliza Guest and Aleah Crowley

125 Nights ~ Eliza Guest

150 Nights ~ Harry Rodstrom, Ivy Guest and Georgie Rodstrom