From the Principal
Mrs Belinda Burton
From the Principal
Mrs Belinda Burton
We are super proud of Isaac (Yr 6) who competed at the Golf National Titles last week. Isaac held the position of Team Captain for NSW. The NSW team took out First Place by 22 shots, an outstanding performance by Isaac and his team.
CSNSW Sport has recognised Isaac Riches for outstanding achievements in his sporting field - GOLF and is the recipient of a NSW Maroon award. NSWCPS awards ceremony will take place on Wednesday, 11th December, at the Sydney Cricket Ground.
Our school fete is going to be an amazing event! Thank you to the amazing P & F for all your work in organising the Fete.
Come along and have a fantastic time enjoying the camel rides, delicious food, and all the exciting stalls. The Mini Vinnies Christmas stall sounds like a wonderful way to get into the Christmas spirit! 🎄✨
Thank you Ms McNeall for organising the following Fete Performances.
Choir, String Group and New England Sings students.
Fete Donation Days -
22nd November Plants & Cakes
23rd November FETE 10-2pm
St Joseph’s Cup Public Speaking Competition 2024. Finals will take place on Thursday 28th November in the school Hall.
There will be a medallion awarded to each stage champion and the overall winner will receive the St Joseph’s Cup. Parents are welcome to attend our Public Speaking finals next week.
We are having a Responsible Pet Visit for Monday 25th November. These sessions will be held in the school hall.
1. 11.35am - 12.15pm (Kinder and Year 1 Blue)
2. 12.20 - 1.00pm (Year 1 Gold and Yr 2)
Our Year 5 students have commenced preparation for their speeches in anticipation of the 2025 School Leadership positions. Thank you Year 5 students who have nominated for leadership roles in 2025. Our 2025 School Leaders will be officially announced at our Year 5 & 6 Operetta, on 11th December 6:30pm in the Cathedral Hall.
13 December Presentation Assembly 11:30-1:30pm Cathedral
All parents & friends are invited to join us for our end of year Assembly.
On the 16 December, our whole school will take part in the 9:15am Parish Mass, to give thanks for our 2024 school year and to Farewell our Year 6 students.
23 November Fete 10am-2pm
28 November St Joseph's Cup Final School Hall
1 December Advent begins
5 December P & F Disco School Hall
6 December Colour Run Catholic Missions & RE Project Fundraising Event School Paddock
9 December Mini Vinnies Christmas Appeal Gifts for MEN or Non-perishable food.
11 December Stage 3 Operetta 6:30pm Cathedral Hall
12 December Opening of the Cathedral 11am Mass &15th December 10am Mass
13 December Presentation Assembly 11:30-1:30pm Cathedral
16 December Whole School Mass Cathedral - Year 6 Farewell Mass 9:15am
17 December Christmas Assemblies ES1 - 10:30 S1 - 9:30 S2 -12:00 School Hall
18 December Pool & Movies LAST DAY of School.
Please support our Mini Vinnies Christmas Appeal. We ask our students and families to donate non-perishable food items that can be put into a Christmas hamper to help those families who are in need in our community and Christmas gift items for men.
Please bring donations to school on December 9th and place under the Christmas Tree in the Playground under the Bell Tower.
Congratulations Year 5 on an excellent excursion last week. It was great to see all of the experiences creating memories and bringing joy to everyone. A very big thank you to Mrs Harris & Mr Riches who accompanied the group on the excursion. Well done Mr Lester & Mr Power on completing the mud run.
Week 6 marks a significant milestone for our transition students as they celebrate their final days and are ready to begin Kindergarten in 2025. Congratulations children on this amazing achievement. We eagerly anticipate you starting Kindergarten with us next year. I would also like to extend my gratitude to Mrs. Turnbull, Mrs Godwin, Mrs. Le Messurier and Mrs McCann for their work in the Transition program. We look forward to seeing you in 2025!
Last Monday Mrs Cain led the Remembrance Day service at the morning Assembly. This is a day when we pause and reflect on the sacrifice of all the servicemen and women who have fought to protect our freedom. Each year on this day at 11.00 am, Australians observe a minute's silence in memory of those who made the supreme sacrifice for us in time of war and armed conflicts. We pray for the wisdom and strength to enable us to build a world of peace and friendship in their honour. Lest we forget!
At present, class teachers are writing student reports for Semester Two. Parents will have the opportunity to access these reports through the parent portal during Week 9. In our Wk 8 Newsletter, I will outline the format of the reports.
Planning for the 2025 school year is underway. Could we ask any families who may be relocating and will not be returning to St Mary's School next year to contact the office staff as soon as possible.