
Year 8 Mass
It is always a special time to have students, parents and staff pray and reflect together in the College Chapel. This week, Mr O’Malley’s Year 8 students celebrated Mass and sang beautifully. A big thank you to Mr Russell’s 8.1 PCG, and all the incredible and talented readers, altar servers, running of the PowerPoint – probably the most difficult job, and to the parents and families who joined us in this Eucharistic celebration. We were very fortunate to have Fra Oscar reminding our Year 8 students to keep up with our household chores and thank their parents for everything they do for them. A special thank you to our Old Boy, Anders Phan (’21) on piano.
Year 9 Retreat
Campus Ministry and the TC staff always try to deliver meaningful and engaging retreat experiences for our students. This year, the Year 9 students participated in their retreat over two days. The Youth Mission Team Australia (YMT) delivered an energetic, insightful, and reflective day with the focus on Self Image and the importance of being your true self. Thank you to the Year 9 PCG teachers, Mr Oddie and Mr Byrne for supervising on the day. Our Old Boys, Dion Primerano and Johan Soares shared their own Christian Service experiences at TC and beyond – even when they were in the middle of their own university exams.
We always pride ourselves on our college mantra, Men for Others, so it is refreshing to see so many Old Boys wanting to be part of this Retreat. Our student leaders saw a need and acted upon it. Thank you and God bless!
Friday 8.00am Community Mass
Today, Fra Oscar celebrated the final 8:00am Mass for the year. A special thank you to 9.7 and 9.8 readers, the CBC bell ringer, and to all who attended. During the month of November, we have encouraged our community to light a candle for a loved one. Please keep all who have passed away in our prayers. Wishing you a blessed and joyous Christmas and festive season. Thank you and God bless!
Cadre Retreat
On Friday, the 2025 Year 12 Cadre gathered to plan their involvement in the Year 8 Quest Retreat. The aim was to learn how to lead the 2025 Year 11 Peer Ministers.
The day was very productive, with students able to connect on a deeper level and strengthen the bonds they have made throughout their time at Trinity thus far. The boys hope that their work on this day, and subsequent planning days, will pay off with a rewarding experience for the Year 8 retreatants in the Term 1 Quest Retreat for 2025.
On behalf of the group, I’d like to express our gratitude to Mr Le Tessier for planning and preparing this day, and to Mr Byrne and Fra Oscar for their endless support in making the day very enjoyable. A big thank you to Joanne and the ladies at St Joesph’s for kindly hosting and feeding us.
Rosa West
Director of Campus Ministry