Arts & Enrichment

Christmas Concert tonight - Thursday December 5
A reminder that tonight, Thursday December 5, we will celebrate with our annual Christmas Concert at 6.00pm in the school yard. Families are encouraged to bring chairs or a picnic rug.
Students will need to be seated with their class by 5.45pm at the latest. It is the expectation that all students attend, as missing performers will affect classes’ overall performances, and performances are part of the Music / Drama / Dance curriculum.
The theme of this year is ‘Christmas Around The World.’ Each class will present a short carol and dance performance to a song from a specific country.
The classes are as follows:
*Foundation - Palestine (Bethlehem – the Nativity scene)
*Year 1/2 NW - Italy
*Year 1/2 MR - Germany
*Year 1/2 GM - France
*Year 3/4 RP - Mexico
*Year 3/4 LD - China
*Year 3/4 ZH - Madagascar
*Year 5/6 LB - U.S.A
*Year 5/6 EN - Greece
*Year 5/6 TD - Norway
Please note: All families (other than Foundation students who have been previously informed that we will provide Nativity costumes for) are responsible for their children’s costumes. Please research either:
1. A traditional style costume from the appropriate country
2. Or a character / animal / person from that country
3. Or the colours of the flag of that country
4. Or a connection to the song your child is performing (they will let you know!).
For example, 1/2 NW - Italy – students may dress in traditional Italian costume, or as a Gondolier, or as Mario, or in the colours of the flag: green, red and white, or as a Christmas tree (connected to their song). Please remember that costumes do not need to cost a fortune and they must be able to be danced in, and at times, cartwheeled in! Any dresses will need bike shorts or the like underneath.
It should be a fun night for all. The students always love sharing their performances with you, which they have choreographed with my assistance. There are some amazingly different performances this year!
With Thanks,
Claire Sexton (Music / Performing Arts)
2025 Production
The students have been eagerly awaiting and trying to solve the puzzle as to the Year 5/6 Production for 2025.
We can happily announce that next year's production is 'The Wizard Of Oz'.
This will be held at the Capital Theatre over two nights in early October. Students will be given information about auditions and preparation for these. Auditions will be early Term 1, 2025 during school hours. During the holidays, I would encourage students to do a little research about 'The Wizard Of Oz, and prepare their songs and readings for the auditions. All Year 5/6 students wanting a speaking or singing role will need to audition. There are about 22 of these roles available! Students will bring home information about this this week. How exciting!
Claire Sexton
Performing Arts