Student News

Congratulations to Michelle and Chris McArthur and family on the safe arrival of Elbie on November 23 - little brother to Riley (12GM), Lochie and Charlie.
Student Awards
Student Awards (Week 8, Term 4) were presented at our Assembly held last Friday, November 29, 2024.
- Sylvie Knight (FSC) - ‘Be Your Best’ for your wonderful effort on your reading test. Sylvie, I was so impressed with how you used the commas, full stops and question marks to read with expression! You are becoming a fabulous reader, Sylvie!
- Finn Coombs (FSC) - ‘Be Your Best’ for showing excellent focus during writing time. You worked so hard and typed up a fantastic narrative – Well done Finn!
- Denzel Summerhayes (FBW) – ‘Be Your Best’ for your enthusiasm and positive attitude in Maths. Your ability to talk through your thinking and explain how you get answers is excellent. Keep up the great work!
Year 1 & 2
- Daisy King (12MR) - ’Be Your Best’ for being more attentive during classroom discussions, by listening carefully to others and putting her hand up to speak.
- Nel Stoltz (12MR) - ‘Be Your Best’ for an amazing and accurate effort with her “Maths Mate” book. Nell, you have shown a great understanding of the concepts covered in this book.
- Elijah Gollan (12MR) - ‘Be Your Best’ for making the most of every learning opportunity, including participating beautifully in MiniLit and trying his hardest to complete all set tasks.
- Sidney Higgins (12MR) - ‘Be Your Best’ for making the most of class time, by sitting quietly at her desk to complete work. Sidney takes wonderful pride in all classwork and work is completed to a high standard.
- Finley Dempster (12NW)- ‘Help Others Succeed’ for your willingness to help others. Finley, whenever there is a time to help others, you always show initiative and volunteer your time. You’re a wonderful member of our class. Well done.
- Logan Vear (12NW)- ‘Be Your Best’ for creating some engaging narrative stories, during writing time. Logan, it’s always a pleasure to read your writing. You should be very proud of yourself. Well done. ‘
- Max Shields (12GM) - ‘Be Your Best’ for making remarkable improvement with your reading. It is always fantastic to hear you read aloud as you read fluently and have sound decoding skills to unlock those tricky unknown words. Great work Max!
- Essie Cummins (12GM) - ‘Be Responsible’ for consistently making strong choices in class and always being ready to learn. You set an example to your peers as you always sit with the 5 L’s, raise your hand when you want to join in with class discussions and always work hard to complete all tasks. Well done, Essie!
- William Carter (12GM) - ‘Help Others Succeed’ for displaying exceptional leadership skills and capabilities for when the preps joined our classroom on transition day. You were kind, caring and helpful and made sure everyone had a positive time. Well done, William!
Year 3 & 4
- Ari Carmichael (34LD) - ‘Help Others Succeed’ for being a kind and compassionate friend, especially on our recent Year 3 excursion. Ari’s kind nature helps others to feel included and valued. Thank you for being such a caring student, Ari!
- Khadija Hisham (34LD) - ‘Be Your Best’ for showing magnificent determination and resilience. Khadija has been working really hard to solve problems during worktime and her work has been amazing. Khadija also showed excellent resilience on our recent Year 3 Excursion where she kept giving her best effort. Well done, Khadija!
- Jed Willis (34ZH) - ‘Be Responsible’ for taking responsibility for your actions. You are very caring for everyone and show leadership when it comes to making things fair for everyone. Awesome work Jed!
- Asher Nicholson (34ZH) - ‘Be Your Best’ for your efforts in the classroom, and specifically Maths lessons, to try and get the best out of yourself. Well done, Asher!
Year 5 & 6
- Tomas Dunne (56LB) - ‘Helping Others Succeed’ for always looking to help others with their Maths Mate work examples during class time. Well done, Tomas!
- Chloe Lalor (56LB) - ‘Be Responsible’ for being a positive role model around the school. Chloe is always polite and willing to include others in all activities. Well done, Chloe!
- Ollie Clarke (56TD) - ‘Help Other Succeed’ for being a great role model for his foundation buddy. Ollie, you were so responsible during our buddy activity and looked after your buddy so well. Great job.
- Seb Doak (56TD) - ‘Be Your Best’ - for using his class time effectively. Seb, you are always quick to start tasks and strive to avoid distractions in the classroom. As a result, you are able to complete your work to a great standard. Well done, Seb.
- Thomas Marasco (5/6EN) - ‘Help Others Succeed’ for always being aware of his classmates and ready to lend a hand if they need. Thomas, you also are aware of the needs of others in the school and play an active part in the student leadership and PBIS team. Well done, we appreciate your kindness.
- Alexander Martin (5/6EN) – ‘Be Your Best’ for being an active participant in our trip to the Immigration Museum. Alexander, you showed great interest in the displays and the interactive activities and a keenness to fill out your passport. Great work!
Happy Birthday
We wish many happy returns to all December birthdays - Imarni Cleary (56EN), Reuben Capicchiano (34ZH), Maddison Tamblyn (12MR), Will Ledlie (56TD), Thomas Esposito (56TD), Ace Witt (56EN), Poppy Meade (12NW), Paddy Treanor (56EN), Taanashe Musiza (34RP), Dom Thompson (56LB), Molly Russell (12MR), Ella Brown (56TD), Aubree Macdonald (FSC), Asher Clayton (FSC), Jameson Giri (FBW), Chippy Francis (56TD) and Boston Murphy-Simpson (FSC).
We wish Mel Worme a very happy day as well - hip! hip! hooray!
Hats on at St Joseph's
“Hats On!” at St Joseph’s - At St Joseph’s Primary School, our SunSmart Policy notes that all children will be required to wear school broad brimmed hats from ‘Hats On Day’- September 1 to ‘Hats Off Day’ - May 1 whenever they are outside including sports lessons. However, if the UV is 3 or above it is recommended hats be worn for protection. Children without hats will be required to remain in the outdoor eating area (green tables) at all times – ‘NO HAT, NO PLAY’ policy will be enforced.