Living Well Learning Well


Did you know ….

80% of our happiness is derived from:

●      Friendship

●      Health

●      Work fulfilment

●      Loving relationships

●      Spirituality


When you do something kind for someone else, your brain releases the love hormone oxytocin. This makes you feel good, too. Check out Martin Heppell from The Resilience Project, who talks about being kind and the benefits of kindness.


“Kindness is the greatest wealth of all. Small acts of kindness last longer than a lifetime” - Eddie Jaku (Author of ‘The Happiest Man on Earth’).




Learning Well:

I am safe,

I am valued, respected and cared for,

I am a learner.


We can make our school environment the best it can be by:

  • Attend school and be part of the team
  • Be friendly; say hello
  • Be positive
  • Choose words and a tone that is right for good conversations
  • Be a good listener
  • Care for our resources, belongings and wellbeing
  • Be a helper and a problem-solver
  • Play fairly 



Our student support framework - Living Well, Learning Well:  



What this means, looks like & sounds like at St Mary's:


We are learning about Manners 

Regularly we will learn about manners, that ‘manners matter' 'manners cost nothing but mean a great deal’ and that our actions speak louder than words.’  The children will learn what good manners look like, what they sound like and how to use them.


We are learning about Uniform & Expectations 

The uniform is also an important part of who we are. What our school looks like and how we show respect for the community we are part of is reflected in how we wear our uniform, both individually and as a whole school. 


I ask all parents to please support the staff by ensuring your child/children are fully dressed in their correct uniform each day.  This includes the correct hat, pants, socks and black shoes.


We have a high expectation around the school uniform and it is an expectation that everyone wears the uniform with pride. The expectation is the correct uniform is worn every day. 

If your child is not able to wear the correct uniform please send a note to school explaining the reason.

If a child is out of uniform without an explanation a uniform ticket will be sent home to parents.


Jewellery, Nail Polish, accessorises & hair need to meet the school policy. No makeup or nail polish is to be worn at school. Minimal jewellery is to be worn to school: Signet ring, watch, studs or small sleepers are acceptable. Hair ribbons are to be school colours. Hair is to be neat and tidy. If hair is past collar length then it all needs to be tied back. (Boys & Girls)


Thank you parents for your support in ensuring that the children are in the correct school uniform in a neat and tidy manner each day. This is a very important aspect of school, it teaches the children to understand that standards are important in their lives, as well as respecting the community they belong to. 


No mobile phones for students at school. If for some reason your child needs to have a phone before or after school, they must hand their phone in at the front office before they go to class and pick it up again before they leave in the afternoon. During the school day students can always be contacted by a phone call to the front office. If students are found with a phone during the school day, the phone will be confiscated and parents will be notified. 


A reminder also that all phone capabilities of smartwatches need to be disabled or sim cards taken out while students are at school. If students are found to be using their smart watch in this way they will also be confiscated and parents notified.

These procedures are in place for the safety and well-being of all our students and we thank you for your ongoing support. 


We thank you for your support in maintaining the standards across our school. 

St Mary's School Learning & Wellbeing

The 5-Step chart is used to guide student learning & wellbeing behaviours at St Mary's. The following 5 steps are displayed in all classrooms as a consistent approach to learning, being safe & respectful. 



The teachers give students two chances to make a better choice, before a third warning of 10 min time out, the next step, the fourth step 20min timeout followed by the fifth step of 30 mins time out at the Office and parents are contacted about the student's behaviour. If a student continues to need time out after the fifth step in a day, the Leadership team will decide on either in-school suspension from the classroom and/or playground or the student being sent home. 




ATTENDANCE - Every Day Counts

Please remember to explain your child's absence from school by clicking the link in the SMS sent on the day of absence, phoning the school or send an email to  Absence SMS notifications are sent automatically by Compass at 9.30 am.  Unaccompanied Late Arrival SMS notifications are sent at 10.30 am.  All absences must be explained within 7 days of them occurring, otherwise they must remain an unexplained absence.


The bell goes at 8.50 am, rolls are marked at 8:55 am.  Please remember that children arriving at school after this time must be signed in at the Compass Kiosk in the foyer.  


If your child is sick and away from school for more than 3 consecutive days please seek medical attention and provide the school with information regarding the medical reason for leave. You can seek medical reasons from your Doctor, an online Doctor, a Chemist Pharmacist, or a Hospital ED. 


Please note that family holidays during Term time are included in days absent even when 

the school has been notified of the leave.


Our current data shows we have 15 students in the 'Critical Risk & High Risk' areas, and we have 12 in the 'At Risk ' area, for the first half of Term 1.  


Evidence-based data indicates that student attendance needs to be at 90% for success!