Student Leaders

Communication Leaders
Auslan Leaders
Play Leaders
Tail Tag - Tail tag is a game that can be played in both P.E and the play leader games at the first half of lunch. It is a game where you have a band on your back and you have to try to get everyone else's band and be the last standing. It is very competitive.
Art Leaders
Last month, the grade 5 students designed their year 6 T-shirt for next year. All of the grade 5 students created their own design and everyone voted for the best one. The winner of this year's grade six design T-shirt is Harlei Downing 5/6W. Well done Harlei! The year six 2025 T-shirt is looking amazing; you can see the grade 6 T-shirt design for 2025 in the school building. And we are so looking forward to seeing you wearing it next year.