
Hai semua (Hi everyone)!


Our learners are having a very productive term in Indonesian classes. We are focusing on the following units this term:



Our Foundation students are learning all about greetings. We can say selamat pagi (good morning), selamat siang (good day), selamat sore (good afternoon) and, selamat malam (good night). We have discussed what happens at each time of day and practised the corresponding greetings. 


Junior Learning Community

Our Grade 1/2 students have been learning lots of words to describe feelings and emotions. We have been singing songs and labeling pictures based on people's facial expressions. 


Middle Learning Community

In Grade 3/4 we have been learning Indonesian words to describe our morning routines when getting ready for school. We have been working on sequencing events; learning words like sesudah (before) and setelah (after) to describe the order in which we complete our daily jobs.


Senior Learning Community

Our Senior students are continuing their unit on cities; focusing on occupations and places of work. We can describe where landmarks are in relation to other places, such as near, far, close to, far from, beside, etc.


If you have any questions about the Indonesian program, please don't hesitate to contact me:


Have a wonderful rest of the week!


Ibu (Mrs) Ally Brennan

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