Calendar of Events

Fri 15th - Assembly 3/4 Mrs Hausler
Fri 15th - Prep Playground Excursion
Fri 22nd - Assembly Prep Mrs Consedine (DATE CHANGED)
Mon 25th - Week 1 Advent
Wed 27th - Life Saving Vic Swimming Program (Years 3, 5 & 6 students)
Wed 27th - Fri 29th - Year 4 Camp to Portland
Wed 27th - Year 1 & 2 Journey in Advent
Fri 29th - Assembly 1/2 Mrs Newton
Mon 2nd - Week 2 Advent
Tues 3rd - St Brigid's Transition Day
Tues 3rd - Colour Run with St Brigid's College
Fri 6th - Assembly Senior Leaders
Fri 6th - Year 1 & 2 Journey in Advent
Mon 9th - Week 3 Advent
Tues 10th - Whole School Transition Day
Wed 11th - Year 1 & 2 Journey in Advent
Thurs 12th - School Concert Night (Sound Shell)
Fri 13th - NO ASSEMBLY
Mon 16th - Week 4 Advent
Wed 18th - Graduation Mass and Last Day of Term 4
Tues 28th - School office open 10am - 2pm
Wed 29th - First Day back for all students