Religious News

Thank you to all of our wonderful staff and students for your participation in our Remembrance Day service on Monday. It was amazing to see the level of respect and reverence from all involved. Special thanks to the student Pastoral Team for their hard work and dedication.
Prayer for Remembrance Day
Creator God, move again over the waters of your creation,
drawing life from the chaos.
Bring reconciliation to the nations, removing the bitterness,
greed and hatred that divide our hearts.
Inspire the minds of all leaders with care for the needs of their people.
Let truth be standard as we seek to bring about a fair sharing of the goods of the earth.
Help us to know you, the Father and Jesus, calling to mind Jesus’ words:
“As often as you did it to one of these, the least of my brothers and sisters, you did it to me.” Help us also remember today, and throughout the year, to be at peace with ourselves,
and accept others as God made them.
God Bless,
Jess Wilson and Ally Brennan
Religious Education Leaders