Acting Principal

Kim Fitzpatrick 

It Has Been Raining Tokens in Year 10!

Last Friday it was very pleasing to have my inbox overflowing with records of positive behaviours related to the Year 10 students. They did something that has never occurred at Charlton College since the inception of SWPB. Year 10 received tokens in every subject they had for the day. Well done Year 10 for setting the bar for everyone!


This group of students also had a busy weekend raising funds for Work Experience later in the year. Their BBQ breakfast Saturday morning was a huge success and they delivered meals to over 300 people in the evening. It is great to have our student active in the community. Well done to all involved, and many thanks to the parents who supported them. 

Year 7 & 10 Immunisation Program 

The Year 7 and 10 Vaccination will program run Tuesday 4th March.


The School Immunisation Program is going digital which means there will be no more paper consent cards floating around school bags or ‘lost’ before they are due to be handed in.


The system we are using is called Vitavo and is simple to use and update your children's information at any time.


To get started you need to provide consent for Immunisations.


Please either click the link


or download QR Code

and input your child/ren’s Year level you are consenting for.


Then select one of the following options:

· I consent

· I do not consent


Year 7 vaccinations offered: 

  • Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis (Whooping Cough)
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV)

Year 10 vaccinations offered: 

  • Meningococcal ACWY

Whole School Assembly

We will be holding our Mid-Term Whole School Assembly this coming Monday in the stadium at 9am. All parents and friends are invited to join us to acknowledge the happenings of the term to date. 

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club is every Wednesday and Friday between 8:40am - 8:55am. Danielle puts on a great spread! A big thank you to the Charlton Bakery for donating the bread. 

Refuelling after riding/scootering to school!
Refuelling after riding/scootering to school!

Cricket Final 

Good luck to our students playing in the Cricket Final this weekend!