Visual Arts

 News from the Art Room


It’s a busy term ahead in the art room as we begin initial preparations for our 2025 Arts Festival! I am excited to be collaborating with our new Performing Arts teacher, Mrs Susan Williams, on various art pieces throughout this year.


Art Leaders

I would like to welcome the 2025 art leaders on board. I am looking forward to working with Clara, Thomas B, Chase, Mary, Seb M, Angelina and Keyla. I know they have some great ideas to offer to the Visual Arts program this year.


Mindfulness in Art 

Making art in various forms helps children to find their inner calm, develop self awareness and connect to the present moment and nurture their capacity to find flow and to trust the process, rather than rushing to reach an end product quickly. Weekly art lessons continue to encourage students to develop their mindful art practice.


Term 1

We will be working on some collaborative pieces with the majority of this term focusing on drawing, painting and collage across all year levels.


Younger students will consolidate their learning about colour theory, experiment with a wide range of materials, whilst exploring the art elements shape, space, line and colour. Older students will apply their knowledge of the art elements to their art making in addition to learning about local and international artists and reflecting on their own and others’ artworks. 


Some projects planned this term include, Lunar New Year - Year of the Snake, collaborative pieces for various displays and an exciting community-based project during Harmony Week that involves everyone getting on board to help start the process of making 1000 paper cranes!! Watch this space for further details. 

Art Smocks

Children require an art smock to be brought to and kept at school for the year. Classroom teachers will collect this early in term one. Please ensure smocks are clearly named.



On occasions, I will ask for donations and assistance, particularly leading up to the Arts Festival late in term 3. Please keep an eye on the newsletter for updates.


Jen Brown

Visual Arts Teacher