
Safer Internet Day

This year Safer Internet Day is Tuesday February 11. It is a global day of action bringing communities, schools, organisations and families from more than 180 countries together to raise awareness of online safety issues and work towards a safer internet. 


Over the coming weeks students from years 3-6 will participate in a webinar run by the eSafety Commissioner to develop their understanding of the internet and how to stay safe whilst using it. 


Years 3/4 

This year our 3’s and 4’s will learn how to navigate online friendships, develop skills like respect and responsibility and learn how to get help and support when needed.


Years 5/6 

This year our 5’s and 6’s will investigate and understand how to recognise fake information and fake friendships online. Students will develop critical thinking skills to identify misinformation and disinformation.


Acceptable User Agreements

We are very fortunate to have access to technology at St. Patrick’s and believe it has educational value to support student learning. We ask all families to read over the user agreements and sign. These User agreements can be found on Operoo shortly. 




Brodie Ross

E-Learning Leader