2024 School Review and our 2024-2028 School Strategic Plan

In Term 4 2024, we completed a thorough review to help shape our next School Strategic Plan (SSP) for 2024-2028. This review looked at how well our students are learning, their overall wellbeing, and how the school can continue to improve.


Key Findings


- Student Learning and Wellbeing

  • Literacy and Numeracy: We aimed to help all students grow in reading, writing, and math. While some goals were met, others were impacted by COVID-19 disruptions and remote learning.
  • Student Connectedness: We worked to ensure students feel heard and involved in their learning. While some targets weren’t fully met, student and parent/carer feedback indicates CEPS is a welcoming and inclusive place.
  • Wellbeing: CEPS continues to provide a safe and supportive environment, with strong student-teacher relationships. 

- School Practices

  • Leadership: With a new principal appointed in 2023, the school has seen a positive cultural shift and stronger staff collaboration.
  • Teaching and Learning: Classrooms are engaging learning spaces. A new phonics program has been a great addition for younger students, but we need a more consistent approach across all year levels.
  • Assessment: Teachers are using data to inform the next steps their students' learning, but there’s room to improve how we track progress and set learning goals.
  • Engagement: Students enjoy school, particularly the buddy program and specialist subjects. However, we plan to refresh our School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) program to further improve student engagement.

-  Focus Areas for the Next Strategic Plan

  • Numeracy: Strengthening the maths program across all grades.
  • Literacy (Writing): Continuing to improve students' writing skills.
  • Data Use: Helping teachers use student progress data more effectively.
  • Wellbeing: Updating the SWPBS program and improving support for neurodiverse students.

- Looking Ahead


This review confirms that CEPS is committed to providing a positive and inclusive environment to meet the learning and social/emotional needs of every student. While we acknowledge areas for growth, we are confident that with these plans in place, our school community will continue to thrive.


Below is an infographic that outlines our Goals, Targets and Key Improvement Strategies


Once our 2025 Annual Implementation Plan is finalised, this will also shared with the community.