Year 2 Term 1 Newsletter

Meet the teaching team
2A - Amanda Price (M, Th-F) and Sonia Uhe (M-W)
2B - Stacey Savva
2C - Penelope Silva
Welcome to Term 1
The Year 2 students have made a great start to the year at Cheltenham East Primary School (CEPS)! We are enjoying hearing about their wonderful holidays and connecting with each student.
Specialist Timetable
Specialist | 2A | 2B | 2C |
Music (Tamara Spain) | THURS | WED | WED |
Italian (Stella Mondy) | MON | MON | WED |
Art (Suzanne Reid) | WED | WED | THUR |
PE (Bec Robinson) | WED | MON | MON |
Science (Nahal Atashkadeh) | MON | THURS | MON |
Library | MON | MON | MON |
Important Dates
18/02: Whole School Photo Day
07/03: Community Picnic
10/03: Labour Day—Public Holiday
04/04: Last Day of Term- 2:30 dismissal
Parent Helpers
At CEPS we highly value working as a whole community and encourage the participation and involvement of our families. Our Year 2 Team will be looking for helpers on excursions and incursions. Please look out on Dojo for opportunities to help.
When helping with the children at CEPS, it is required that you wear a Working With Children’s Check (WWCC) displayed on a lanyard at all times.
If you have not got a WWCC and wish to volunteer,
application forms can be found online at:
Remember to sign in each day you volunteer at CEPS via the computer at the office. This is a mandatory requirement. You will also be required to sign out.
Teaching and Learning
Speaking & Listening
Students will be given opportunities in both informal and formal situations to develop their speaking skills. They will develop their listening skills through presentations by other students and be able to recall the main ideas of the information presented.
This term, we are focusing on writing personal recounts. Students will explore the structure and language features of this text type. They will develop skills to structure both simple and compound sentences correctly and add details and description to engage the reader. In addition, students will focus on using basic punctuation correctly and employ strategies to spell unfamiliar words.
Students reading skills will be developed through our daily phonics activities, comprehension sessions and reading activities. Students will practice strategies to improve their reading accuracy and develop fluency and expression when reading aloud. This term, students will revise the phonemes (sounds) taught in year 1 to ensure automatic recognition and recall. Our comprehension lessons will focus on retelling stories, sequencing events, visualising and making predictions.
Our Maths sessions in Year 2 will give students the opportunity to participate in games, activities and problem solving tasks that will support their number fluency. Skills and understandings will be taught explicitly and students will explore and work through problem solving tasks independently and in groups. This term our Number and Algebra focus will start with looking at the concept of counting and patterns which includes building the confidence to sequence numbers and skip count. This will lead into exploring the importance of Place Value where the students will recognise, model, read and order numbers. In Measurement, the focus will be on using calendars. We will also look at location and mapping.
This term, the students will develop an understanding of Australia as the country we live in. They will locate states and territories, oceans and seas and famous landmarks. We will explore Indigenous Australia and the importance of country and place to them.
Each week all classes will engage in 'The Respectful Relationships Sessions' as well as discuss our CEPS Skill of the Week. These lessons will encourage the development of skills that promote our school values and the positive and personal growth of all students. GROWTH MINDSET: This Term the students will explore ways that they can change their thinking from ‘I can’t do it yet but I can get there’. We will be looking closely at the power of ‘Yet’ and we will develop strategies to overcome difficulties in their learning and build on their resilience and positive outlook.
In Year 2 we continue to give out weekly awards on a Friday afternoon assembly for students who have displayed the CEPS values.
Your child may receive a CEPS raffle ticket for displaying the expected positive behaviours! Award winners will be drawn and announced during assembly on Friday afternoons.
Supporting learning from home
Please ensure that you are reading with your child every night. Students can read books of their own choice or an unlevelled reader from school. Take time to ask your child questions about the text to ensure that they are reading for meaning.
If you have any queries along the way, please feel free to contact us using our emails listed below or you can send a Class Dojo. If any more urgent concerns arise, please organise a time to meet with your child’s teacher.
Amanda Price (
Sonia Uhe (
Stacey Savva (
Penelope Silva (
We use Sentral to communicate School and Year 2 Information and Class Dojo to communicate the following: - 1:1 communication between teachers and families - Staff posting pictures to celebrate classroom learning. We hope you have been enjoying the Dojo posts and photos from your teacher!