Attendance Report

We have had a successful return to 2025 and it has been great to see all of the smiling faces around the school. Thank you to all of the parents and guardians who have communicated absences on the day that they have occurred.
Unfortunately, we saw a lot of absences on the warmer days due to the heat. Please remember that even if there is warmer weather, all students are required to attend school. We have air conditioners in each classroom and in the event of extreme weather, students remain in their classrooms with alterations to their daily routines.
Just a reminder to everyone, to please ensure that you are logging into your Dojo accounts regularly and respond to any correspondence sent by staff.
Golden Ticket Incentive Program
Students are currently designing their golden tickets and the Golden Ticket Incentive Program will commence on Monday 10th February. The first draw out will be on Friday 14th February and then it will move to being fortnightly.
The purpose of this program is to improve the attendance of all students at Melton West Primary School by providing motivation and incentives to support students in striving for 100% attendance.
To be eligible for the draw out of the prize, students must be at school, on time, every day (for the entire day). If students are not eligible, their eligibility resets after each draw out so that every fortnight they have the opportunity to go back in the draw.
Each prize is worth $100 dollars.
We are looking forward to a fantastic year and improving our school attendance to ensure that all students receive the learning opportunities that have been planned for them.
Miss Dearing
M.W.P.S. Attendance Officer
** Attendance Matters **