Year 7 Report 

Emily Beale

It has been wonderful to see our Year 7 students settling into secondary school life with such enthusiasm and positivity. Over the past week, they have been getting to know their teachers, making new friends, and adapting to their timetables and routines.  


To further support our Year 7s in their transition to high school, we have introduced a buddy system with our Year 12 students. Each Year 7 class has been paired with a Year 12 buddy class who will help guide them throughout Term 1, providing advice, support, and encouragement as they settle into secondary school life. 

Buddy system - here are some of our Year 7's meeting their Year 12 buddy.
Buddy system - here are some of our Year 7's meeting their Year 12 buddy.

Another exciting event coming up is our Year 7 Camp at Adekate Camp in Dean, which will take place from March 5th to 7th. Camp is a fantastic opportunity for students to build friendships, develop teamwork skills, and challenge themselves in a fun and supportive environment. Some of the activities students can look forward to include ziplining, the leap of faith, gaga ball, orienteering, and hut building. We encourage all students to attend and make the most of this experience! 


A reminder to families that permission slips for camp are due back by February 14th. Please ensure these are completed and returned on time so that we can finalise arrangements. 


We look forward to a fantastic term ahead and can’t wait to see our Year 7s continue to grow and thrive in their new school environment!