Teaching & Learning Report 

Steven Sirrals 

Curriculum Timelines 


During week four, the curriculum mapping for Year Levels 7 - 10 for 2025 will be shared on Compass. 


The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority state that this layer of documentation enables the curriculum to be viewed from a student perspective and for effective and relevant connections to be made across the teaching and learning program. 

The year level documentation includes: 

  • time allocations and sequencing of units/topics to enable connections across domains to be identified and built on 

  • scheduling of assessment and co-curricular activities. 

For students and parents this means that you will know what topics will be covered throughout the year in each CORE subject area and when the major assessments will be. 


Continuous Reporting – Assessment feedback 


This year we are having a renewed focus on our assessment and feedback practices at WHSC. 


One of these is the consistency of language in feedback, ensuring there is specific guidance (where relevant) for students on how to improve in their recent learning and assessment. This aligns with our previous work in developmental rubrics for student feedback in class. 


Another area of focus is communication with parents when assessment feedback is published on Compass. Semester reports will always be published, but waiting on this feedback alone is too late for the opportunity for meaningful discussion around learning. 

Learning Tasks feedback will be published regularly throughout the Semester for all subjects, with notification being shared on Compass as to which subjects have recently published this.