Year 12 Report 

Claire Blower

Welcome Back, Year 12 Students! 


Welcome back to our Year 12 students! It’s great to see you all as we start a new school year. You have had your last first day of high school ever already. Well done on making it this far! 


This year is going to be full of exciting events and special moments to celebrate your final year. There will be fun activities, important ceremonies, chances to show leadership, and plenty of memories to create with your friends. 


In Term 1, you will have your last Swimming and Athletics carnivals, your year 12 badge ceremony, study skills sessions, your last official school photo ever (yay!) and some fun wellbeing days. 


As you take on this last chapter of high school, remember to make the most of every opportunity, support each other, and keep working towards your goals. Your hard work and determination will help you achieve great things. 


Let's make this year one to remember. Keep aiming high, believe in yourself, and enjoy every moment. Welcome back, Year 12—let's make it a fantastic year!