Grade 2 News

Important Reminders

Tuesday 11th Feb - Curriculum Day

Monday 24th Feb - School Photos

Tuesday & Wednesday 25-26th Feb - Meet the Teacher

Friday 28th Feb - Cross Country

Monday 10th March - Labour Day


Production dates:

Tuesday 2nd September

Wednesday 3rd September


Weekly Timetable

Learning in action



During the Grade 2 literature units, we have read 'My Two Blankets' and 'What Happened to You.' We have been discussing the problem, solution and resolution and how we can show empathy to others. 

The students have started to borrow library books- both for in the classroom and take home, so don’t forget your library bag on your students day (see schedule above). 

In sentence-level writing, we have learnt and practised editing sentences by looking at the correct punctuation (capital letters at the start of a sentence and proper nouns and punctuation marks at the end of a sentence). This week we have identified adjectives within sentences and how we can include them when describing the noun. 

Preview -  Students will explore the book 'We're all wonders' and have a writing focus on expanding sentences with adjectives.


Word Work



Over the past fortnight, the Grade 2’s have delved into their whole number unit. We have looked at skip counting, number patterns and making and representing numbers in different ways. Some representations include MAB, numerals, words, place value charts and bundles. To further delve into their understanding, students have been assigned individual learning goals targeted at their personal needs and practise this weekly through a teacher group, fluency practice and My Numeracy.


We have also delved into our investigation on measurement, using the previous fortnight's learning to guide the students on their own open project. Students have been finding objects longer, shorter, heavier and lighter than their own drink bottles, then ensuring they are able to prove their claims.

Preview - We will continue our whole number unit by looking at place values, decomposing and partitioning numbers.


Knowledge Rich

Over the past two weeks, the Grade 2 students have begun their first inquiry unit looking at, ‘What does living a healthy life look like?’.  To begin the unit, we have brainstormed our ideas about what it means to be healthy. We collated our ideas and discussed what the students know and what they want to know about what it means to live a healthy life. The students then used what they currently know to draw and label what a healthy person looks like. 


This week the students have started to discuss why it is important to stay physically healthy and ways in which people can stay active. The students then wrote down a list of things that they can do to stay physically healthy and active. 

Preview -  Over the next fortnight the Grade 2 students will explore what healthy foods are and the importance of a balanced diet. As well as discuss different ways to take care of their own mental health and wellbeing. 



The Grade 2’s have loved getting back into Friendology, using it to develop a strong sense of self whilst learning to develop and manage their friendships. During these sessions, we have discussed and taught students different ways to treat themselves like a best friend. The students also completed an activity where they were encouraged to be their own cheerleaders by writing and drawing different things that they loved about themselves.


This week students have been developing their emotional literacy by recognising and embracing both positive and negative feelings. The students were supported to connect different colours to different emotions, such as yellow for happy, green for calm, red for frustrated, blue for sad etc. These connections help students to understand and interact with their feelings.

Preview -  In the coming weeks, we will explore strategies to make new friends and discuss realistic expectations around what positive friendships look and sound like.


Grade 2 Homework options 


Click Here 


Grade 2 Teachers

Bronte Darvidis, Mikayla Harvey and Taryn Bailey


Mathematics Hub

This guide describes what children learn in maths at school in Grad. They will give you some ideas for games and activities you can play at home to help your child learn.