Whole School News

School Photos


Maths Masters

Maths Masters Belts folder. Link to the Belts



Sustainability Trophy at Assembly

Are you ready for someexciting sustainability news? We are introducing a new trophy to our weekly assembly. The sustainability trophy! The Green Team will be coming around to all classes each Friday to count the number of students who have brought a wrapper-free lunch to school. The Junior School and Senior School class with the most wrapper-free lunches will win a trophy at assembly. This incentive is part of a schoolwide plan to reduce the amount of rubbish that is brought to school and teach children about the variety of ways that we can reduce the amount of waste we produce as a community. Here are some simple ideas families can discuss and try to go Wrapper Free!

Why not buy a big bag of chips and put them into small reusable containers?
Why not buy a big bag of chips and put them into small reusable containers?