
Whole School
SunSmart School Program - Hats Required
Mid-August 2024 - End of April 2025
Monday 24th February: Breakfast Club - CLOSED
Monday 24th February - School Photos
Tuesday 25th February - Meet the teacher - 3.45pm - 6.30pm
Wednesday 26th February - Meet the teacher - 3.45pm - 6.30pm
Friday 28th February - Lysterfield House Cross Country (Prep - 6)
Monday 10th March - Labour Day (Public Holiday)
Thursday 20th March - Orders close for Sockable Fundraising
Friday 4th April - Easter Raffle & Hat Parade. Details to be confirmed.
Friday 4th April - Last Day of term. Dismissal at 2.30pm
Friday 25th April - ANZAC (Public Holiday)
Monday 28th April - Friday 2nd May - Year 6 Canberra Camp
Monday 9th June - Monarch's Birthday (Public Holiday)
Tuesday 2nd September - Music Production
Wednesday 3rd September - Music Production
Monday 8th September - Wednesday 10th September - Year 5 Anglesea Camp
Monday 6th October - Wednesday 8th October - Year 4 Adanac Camp
Tuesday 4th November - Melbourne Cup (Public Holiday)
Monday 10th November - Curriculum Day (Pupil free day)
Friday 19th December - Curriculum Day (Pupil free day)
Year Specific
Prep | Junior School |
Middle School | Senior School |
2025 Term Dates
Term 1: Tuesday 28th January - Friday 4th April
Term 2: Tuesday 22nd April - Friday 4th July
Term 3: Monday 21st July - Friday 19th September
Term 4: Monday 6th October - Friday 19th December