Religious Education 

& Wellbeing News 

Welcome Mass 

We will have our beginning of the year Welcome Mass and Gathering at 6pm on Tuesday 25th of February - everyone is encouraged to attend! After Mass, we will have refreshments in the Multipurpose Room and it is usually a great opportunity to come together as a community and see friends and meet our new families, parents and teachers. 

Leadership Day


We invited one of our 2019 School Captains, Jasmine Pham, to come and speak to the Year 6 students this week about leadership. Jasmine is currently in Year 12 at OLMC in Heidelberg and is their 2025 School Captain. She will also take on one of the lead characters (Wednesday Adams) in the school production in Term 2 - the musical, The Adams Family.

Jazz talked to a captive audience in the Year 6's and she spoke about leadership, responsibility and helping those in need in a way that really reached our students. One of the messages she gave our students was that even if you don't have a badge - you can still be a great leader!


What Jazz and her lovely mum, Vy, emphasized was that going from a smaller school like Sacred Heart into a large high school actually really helped set Jazz up for success! They felt Sacred Heart gave her so many opportunities to speak at assemblies, masses, performances and productions as the tasks are shared around to a smaller cohort of students. Along with all the varied educational experiences that she had during her time at our school. Thank you so much to Jasmine and Vy for taking the time to inspire the students.... and for the icy-poles!

Icy poles!
Icy poles!

The Year 6 leaders then spent today working together discovering their character strengths, the meaning of being leader, playing team games and learning about accountability and responsibility. The students worked in teams to plan some exciting new initiatives for 2025 - stay tuned for what is to come!


Sacred Heart Year 6 leadership day
Sacred Heart Year 6 leadership day


Take Care,


Wellbeing & RE Leader