Classroom News

Foundation News
Welcome to our place, 27 Foundation @ Sacred Heart Clifton Grove Preston.
That's where you'll find us; listening, learning, drawing, talking, sharing, creating, laughing, singing!
It's been a great week in Foundation, learning about listening with our whole bodies, asking friends if they would like to play with us and what to do next if they say no. In Mathematics we have been learning the different times of the day (morning, lunchtime, afternoon and night time) as well as the days of the week! They are a clever bunch! We've also been singing songs and reading stories and having a really good time getting to know each other better
In Reading we read a beautiful book about a boy who wanted his own star. He tries lots of different ways and is unsuccessful, but in the end he is........well, I won't give it away but he ends up being verrry happy!
Ans here is another great artist who wanted to share his work. Excellent, Guanhuai!
Year One
WOW! Another amazing week here in Year 1.
We have all worked together like a family of bees 'to create our own hive'.
The students wrote:
We are kind,
We work together,
We play with our friends,
WE help each other,
We are respectful,
We are safe!
Year 2/3
Dear Families,
It has been a wonderful week of learning. In Math we are focusing on Place Value. To enjoy this unit the children have been using number lines and ordering numbers. In Religion we have been writing informal prayers inspired by the world around us. Please enjoy the photos from this week.
Stay safe!
Year 3/4
Oh Mighty God
The Creator of all things, we praise you in every way.
Please help us in our studies so we do well in our life. Please help me be safe and happy.
We praise you, our loving Saviour, Jesus.
By Viraj & Lawrence
Dear Mighty God
You know that we all truly believe in you,
Help us to grow into someone strong, smart and a loving adult,
In the name of the Father and of the Son and
the Holy Spirit.
By Riyon, Sharlotte, Taz
King of kindness, who powerfully created our world,
Who will always be with us to guide us,
Please give us kindness to help us in the playground and look out for us,
We love you so much, in our hearts, minds and souls, in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
By Georgia, Olivia, Luke
Our Holy God,
Who loves us very much,
Please make sure that everyone stays calm, funny, happy and kind. We all love you, we really do,
We pray to you through your son Jesus.
By Jazlyn, Aylah, Aisha
Our loving God
Who helps us in our lives
Help us to be ready to learn, to be kind and respectful when we play with others and to have fun at school.
We pray with you.
By Rayzon, Vlami, Ava
Year 4/5 and 5/6
We are thrilled to announce the Year 5 and Year 6 leadership positions for 2025! Congratulations to all students who have been selected to take on these important roles. Their dedication, hard work and commitment to making a positive impact within our school community are truly inspiring. We are confident that they will lead with enthusiasm and responsibility, setting a great example for their peers. Amazing job, everyone!
Leadership 2025
School Leaders: Roman, Aleisha, Isabella, Allie
House Captains:
Blue Lauren, Veer
Yellow Katelin, Tiffany
Red Mason, Katalina
Green Raffaele, Callix
Sports Captains: Mohammad, Ali
Music/Arts Captains: Emmastacia, Jasmine
Social Justice Captains: Gail, Stephanie
ICT Captains: Maxie, Natalie
Environments Captains: Sai, Nirav
As part of our Literacy sessions, the year 4/5 and 5/6 students have started listening and responding "Ä Ghost In My Suitcase" by the Australian author Gabrielle Wang. The story is about twelve-year-old Celeste, who is half French, half Chinese and all Australian. She travels to China to scatter her mother’s ashes. There she meets her grandmother, Por Por, a quirky and wise woman with an unusual skill. Por Por is a ghost-hunter and her services are much in demand. Following are thoughts that students have made about the story s far.
It’s very interesting because there is a lot going on in the plot. The story is very mysterious. We feel a connection to Celeste and how she doesn’t want Ting Ting to feel bad.
Katalina & Laura
We really like the story, it’s so good. We think Por Por wants to help Ting Ting be a magician. We think Ting Ting doesn’t like how Por Por treats her. We are interested in how it will end up! Amy & Ben
We like it because it has lots of drama. So far we are enjoying the story because of the interesting plot twists. The old French was really interesting and quite creepy in our opinion! We think there might be magic and mythical creatures involved! Kaitlyn & Mia
It’s a very interesting plot line, so far Celeste doesn’t know what’s happening but we think there is magic going on. We feel connected to Por Por because she has a lot of energy. We don’t think Ting Ting needs to be jealous of Celeste! Chloe & Azariah
It’s really interesting and super nice to read, we like the writing style! We think because of the title, Celeste and Ting Ting might see some ghosts from their past.
Raffaela & Raffeale
What we like about the book is that the characters are very funny and the story is very interesting. We think there will be bad guys they have to face. Arvin & Kaiden
It’s a very fantastic and fun book. It made us feel very curious and also sad for Ting Ting and Celeste’s mum. We think Little Cloud is going to get angry with Ting Ting for how she has been treating her. Kaone & Shamus
The book has a weird atmosphere which makes it really juicy and we really like the characters in it. The book can change within a few pages and it makes it really interesting! Cody & Tristan
We’d say it's a fantastic thriller and a story about mixed emotions. It’s a very unique style of writing with many interesting aspects and emotions. It feels like a very real story, you can see it in your mind. Nirav & Sai
We think the book is very interesting and we think the story is slowly leading up to what the title is about. We like that the book is very mystical, like the sword made out of coins, it seems like an adventure. Natalie & Massie