Hello from our students and teachers
Respect, Responsibility and Kindness
Hello from our students and teachers
Respect, Responsibility and Kindness
It's been a great start to the year in Grade 3/4 this year. We've done lots of getting to know each other activities, including: Picadilly Circus and Islands, we've interviewed each other and completed an all about me maths poster. We've been establishing our routines and habits around how we enter and leave the building and how we transition from subject to subject. We read the book 'The Word collector' and have begun collecting interesting words ourselves which are displayed at the back of the room. We've completed some Math's testing using Essential Assessment and Top Ten Maths. We've completed a cold write about an emergency, which will be used for writing moderation next week, which the students have now had a chance to finish and publish.
Our focus for the coming weeks will be on writing narratives, developing ideas and using excellent descriptive language, visualising texts, predicting, clarifying, questioning and summarising in Literacy and exploring place value of numbers beyong 10,000 and looking at measurement.
The students have settled in really well this year and are already working as a cohesive group together.