Meet Our Staff

Interviews this week were conducted by Bella and Julian.
What is your name?
Jackson Godfrey.
What is your job at our school?
Grade 5/6 teacher.
How has the start to your school year been?
It's been great because I have the best bunch of kids in Room 1, and the staff are super helpful.
What do you love about your job?
The personalities of my students.
Do you have any hobbies? What do you like to do when you aren't at work?
Coding, Gaming, playing with my dog Nacho.
What's your favourite joke?
'What do you call an old snowman?"
"A glass of water!"
What do you like to eat for breakfast?
A smoothie.
What is your name?
Lou Bray.
What is your job at our school?
Business Manager.
How has the start to your school year been?
What do you love about your job?
Seeing happy children.
Do you have any hobbies? What do you like to do when you aren't at work?
Read, caravanning, going to the gym and exercising.
What's your favourite joke?
I like Dad jokes. Sorry, I can't think of any!
What is your favourite thing to have for breakfast?
Bacon and eggs.