Hello, from Carolyn.

Respect, responsibility and kindness

Hello everyone,

The beautiful school values matrix at the top of the page has been created for us by Tom Hederics, and I know Nikita Hederics also had a hand in helping to choose the animals for our values. Tom has created a range of values visuals to support our implementation of School Wide Positive Behaviour Supports. Thank you so very much Tom for creating beautiful images that will help our students connect with our values and expectations.

This term, our focus is on Kindness 'We are Kind'. We will be learning and practising- 'We are an 'Upstander', 'We use kind words' and 'We talk to a yard duty person if needed'.

Working with our students we will develop our school understanding of what it means to be an 'Upstander', someone who speaks up when someone is being bullied and/or, someone who seeks help for someone who is being bullied. By the end of this term, we will have strategies/language our students can use if they are in a situation where they would like to support somebody being bullied. 


Term 1 Goal setting meetings.

Our term 1 Goal setting meetings are in week 4, Monday 17 Feb to Friday 2st. Bookings will open in the Sentral app on Monday 10th Feb at 9am. Make sure you have notifications turned on in your Sentral app so you receive the message telling you that bookings are open.

Our Goal setting meetings are an opportunity for students, teachers and parents/carers to work together to support the child to acheive their best. I strongly encourage you to make a time to meet with your child's teacher and get the learning partnership off to a strong start.

We have some questions we use to guide our goal setting meetings. Here they are so you have time to think about what you would like to tell your child's teacher-

1.Tell me about your child's strengths and interests.

2. What do you think will help your child have a successful learning year?

3. Is there a curriculum area or skill you would like your child to have a goal for?


*Foundation parents/carers, Rachel Quarrier will be meeting with you on a Wednesday so you do not need to book a Goal Setting meeting.

*Families who have meetings to review their child's IEP each term, Nicole Lowe will have been in touch with you to book a time so you also don't need to book a Goal Setting meeting.


2025 Parent Payments.

Our 2025 parent payment arrangements and details are available here. Parent payments can now be made via direct deposit or via EFTPOS at the office.


2025 NAPLAN.

NAPLAN testing starts on 12 March for grades 3 and 5 students. You can find more information about NAPLAN testing on our website, and on the VCAA website.


Friday assemblies.

We are trialling holding our Friday assemblies in the library as we think with the carpet the sound won't echo around as much.

Assemblies will start at 2:50pm. Parents can enter the library via the door at the webster St end of the library.


Reminder-Student free day Tuesday 11 March.

On Tuesday 11th March our staff will be participating in Protective Intervention Training. Please make note of this date as it is a student free day. Check our OSHC page in the newsletter to find out how to register for childcare for the day.


Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

warm regards,



School banking details.


Bendigo Violet Street Primary

BSB: 033-688

Account number: 93-1292

Payment reference: use your surname and fees.