
Student of the Week-Week 5


Student of the Week Awards - Week 6

FMM- Angus H

FJ- Arabella O

1/2K - Primrose C

1/2S -  Alexander S

1/2T - Ayse S

3/4B -  Jethro

3/4J - Vincent T

3/4L - Mia S W-B

3/4S - Eva R

5/6K - Audrey S

5/6J - Raf

5/6CB- Hamish R


Happy Birthday to ......


Week 6

Rose C, Thomas G, Eva H, Finella S



Student Learning -3/4

In Art, the Year 3/4 students have been creating paper beetles. We have been focusing on using symmetry and contrasting colours to create eye catching and vibrant beetles! 🪲🐞


In groups, all students in 3/4B created displays for the classroom of interesting adjectives. 

Here are some photos from maths in 3/4S. We are learning all about money!

Over the last two weeks, students in 3/4J have been using the writing process to complete their first persuasive text. Students chose a topic they had a strong opinion about, and then identified 3 reasons that supported their opinion! Needless to say, there were some strong opinions shared!


Students have also been learning about the suitability of materials of everyday objects, and why particular materials are chosen when designing and creating everyday items. The students had some fun re-designing an every day object with a suitable material and an unsuitable/silly material. The results speak for themselves!


Vincent- Persuasive

Vivian- Persuasive

Heidi- Persuasive

Ahlam - Persuasive

Harry- Science Design

Elliot - Science Desi
