Tutankhamun Roadshow
Tutankhamun in Glen Innes!
Year 7, 9/10 Elective History and 11 Ancient History students had the opportunity to visit the Tutankhamun Roadshow on Monday, 26th February.
This was a whole day event for invited students, who participated in a range of activities, including visiting the museum display, archaeology, tomb painting and more. The Tut Roadshow supports Year 7's next topic of Ancient Egypt and Year 11's current topic of archaeology.
This was the first time the Tutankhamun Roadshow came to Glen Innes, it was a fantastic day!
Year 9/10 Elective History
Year 9/10 Elective History have been putting together evidence boards for our topic on Jack the Ripper. Students investigated primary sources to discover the facts of the case. They worked in groups to develop visual evidence boards.
Year 7 History
Year 7 have been learning about history, historians and archaeologists as an introduction to our history course. We enjoyed excavating cookies. We used our tools to careful dig away the cookie crumbs to excavate the choc chips. Students discovered that archaeology is slow and careful work. They enjoyed eating their cookies.