Acting Deputy Head of College News

Ms Jennifer Smeed

At the commencement of every school year, there is always a period of settling in. With new students, new staff, new classes, a progression from primary to secondary, new uniforms, new books, new extra-curricular commitments, and new routines. Like anything new, it always takes a while to settle in and find the new or updated rhythm. Over the last week at Marist, I have noticed our boys very much settled into the rhythm of our days and the expectations of them as young Marist men. This was clear in an experience shared with me last week by a staff member about two young boys arriving at the College


I was entering the College through Moola Road and in front of me were two middle school boys. One of the boys was looking a little like a packhorse with all of his bags slung across his shoulders, while also dragging a giant cricket bag; he obviously had training that afternoon. As the boys were chatting away, one of the boys simply asked “Are you sure I cannot carry something for you? I’m happy to help.” He had obviously asked this before but was just checking again as he could see his friend was carrying a large load. This time the boy took the offer of assistance and handed his sports bag to his mate as they kept walking up to the main yard chatting away about what they had got up to on the weekend.


While this exchange between two friends is simple and non-eventful, it is an example of our young men enacting our Marist values in the rhythm of their everyday lives. It reminds me of one of our three Marist violets, humility - thinking of others more than yourself. As we commence Lent this week, we have a great opportunity to further develop our humility in our everyday lives. Whether it be through contributing to the Lenten appeal, helping out those around us or even just by offering to carry someone else’s bag.

Excursions, Incursions and Camps 

As we settle into the rhythm of the school year, we have already had numerous camps and excursions held. Last week, our Year 7 cohort spent three days together completing fun activities and getting to know their housemates and others in the cohort. Our Year 12 Geography students also embarked on an overnight camp in preparation for completing their final field report. Thank you to the staff who organised and accompanied these boys on these camps.


Over Weeks 3 and 4, we have many boys who have participated/will participate in incursions and excursions to support and enhance their learning including – 

  • Year 11 Ancient History excursion
  • Senior RSG course 
  • Senior White Card course 
  • Year 10 Science and Engineering Challenge at UQ 
  • Year 10 History excursion to UQ museum 
  • Year 11 Brett Sanders presentation
  • Year 11 Art excursion 
  • Year 12 English and Literature Extension GOMA excursion
  • Year 12 Biology Excursion to UQ Ecology labs

Thank you to those staff for organising these valuable learning experiences for the boys. 

Swimming Carnival 

The inter-house swimming carnival is taking place this Thursday 15 February for all Year 7-12 students. Each year level will miss two academic periods to participate in events and will be in classes for the remainder of the day.


The primary swimming carnival will be held on Friday 16 February.

College Sport Uniforms

The following Sport Uniform and Teamwear guide showcases the athletic attire and team apparel from Noone.