Upcoming Events
Term 1
Upcoming Events
Term 1
Thursday 7th March
Year 5 - Body Education
Friday 8th March
Year 5 - Body Education
Monday 11th March
Labour Day - Public Holiday
Tuesday 12th March
Year 6 - Body Education
Wednesday 13th March
Year 3 + 5 - NAPLAN
Thursday 14th March
Year 3 + 5 - NAPLAN
Friday 15th March
Year 3 + 5 - NAPLAN
Year 6 - Body Education
Monday 18th March
Senior School Assembly - LPAC (Year 6 presenting)
Year 3 + 5 - NAPLAN
QKR - Payments CLOSE for Hot Dog Day
Tuesday 19th March
Year 3 + 5 - NAPLAN
Year 6 - Body Education
Wednesday 20th March
International Happiness Day
Year 3 + 5 - NAPLAN
QKR - Payments CLOSE for Brainstorm for Prep to 6
QKR - Payments OPENfor Camp - Year 5
Thursday 21st March
Harmony Day
Year 3 + 5 - NAPLAN
Year 6 - Body Education
Friday 22nd March
Year 3 + 5 - NAPLAN
Monday 25th March
Year 3 + 5 - NAPLAN
School Photo Day
Tuesday 26th March
Whole School Assembly - Above + Beyond
Year 5 - Body Education
Wednesday 27th March
Prep to Year 6 - Brainstorm
Thursday 28th March
Hot Dog Day
Easter Bonnet Parade
Term 1 finishes - 2.30pm dismissal
Friday 29th March
Good Friday
Monday 15th April
Term 2 starts
QKR - Payment OPEN for Melbourne Zoo - Year 4
Tuesday 16th April
QKR - Payment OPEN for Push, Pull and Motion - Prep
Wednesday 17th April
QKR - Payment OPEN for camp - Year 6
Thursday 18th April
School Tour - 9.30am
Summer Sport - Lightning Premiership
Wednesday 24th April
Year 3 - 6 - Athletics Day
Mother's Day Rafflelink open
Thursday 25th April
ANZAC Day - Public Holiday
Friday 26th April
School Tour - 9.30am
Tuesday 30th April
QKR - Payment OPEN for MOPA - Year 2
Thursday 2nd May
School Tour - 4pm
Friday 3rd May
Free Dress Day - Gold Coin donation
Second Hand Uniform Sale - 8.30am