with Mrs Spence and Ms Hussey


Congratulations to the students who represented LPS at the 2024 Murdoch Swimming Trials on the 29th of February. Each and every student swam their hearts out, showing great sportsmanship. The following students, Oscar B, Sarah C, Sienna F, Evelyn A and Ella B are off to Division on the12th March to represent LPS. We wish them all the best!




10 girls - Ella B 1st, Myah P 8th

12 girls - Sarah C 4th, Kayla S 9th

12 boys - Oscar B 1st



10 girls - Evelyn A 3rd

10 boys - Matthew C 7th

12 girls - Sarah C 2nd, Sienna F 3rd

12 boys - Oscar B 1st



10 girls - Ella B 2nd, Summer F 3rd, Evelyn F 4th, Myah P 5th

12 girls - Kayla S 3rd


Freestyle Relay

10 girls - Ella, Myah, Evelyn, Summer 3rd

12 mixed - Sienna, Sarah, Kayla, Oscar 1st


Medley Relay

Open girls - Sienna, Evelyn, Sarah, Ella 3rd


Junior PE

The CAPE centre basketball court has been buzzing with excitement and fun as our junior students learn how to work cooperatively with each other through a range of small group activity stations. Stations included, trampoline jumps, obstacle courses, balancing beams and ladder drills. Thank you to our Year 4 and Year 6 volunteers for your help to run these stations.

Our Grade 1 and 2 students have been focusing on the correct technique required when running and how to land correctly after performing a jump. Ask your child if they can show you their motorbike landing after performing a jump!


Senior PE

A huge shout out to all of our senior students who participated in our Cross Country yesterday! You showed resilience and perseverance to make it to the finish line. A big thank you to all of our parent helpers who assisted on the day. These fantastic events cannot take place without your ongoing support. 


We wish all the students moving on to District Cross Country held on the 14th of May, 2024 all the best. 


In the lead up to this special day, students have learnt all about their cardiovascular fitness. Simply put, cardiovascular fitness measures how well your body takes in oxygen and delivers it to your muscles and organs during prolonged periods of exercise. In the lead up to cross country, we spoke about how our bodies may feel when we exercise and how we could improve our own cardiovascular fitness. Students identified the importance of getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of water, and exercising regularly. 


We then put our discussions into practice, being active by participating in a range of fitness circuits, which included skipping, running, exercise dice, ladder exercises etc. We also spent a week playing Fitopoly as a class. This is an active version of the game you know so well. It is great to hear some students playing this game with family members at home!