Principal's Report

Lunch Time Clubs
This term we have many alternative activities for students to participate in. These include:
chess club, rock band, choir, orchestra, sports club, sensory room and yoga. This is in addition to being able to utilise spaces such as the stadium, sensory room, the library and the farm as alternative play areas. We are very lucky to have so many diverse spaces to play in!
Mobile Phone Policy
Our Mobile Phone policy (available on our school website) requires all students to hand their phones and smart watches to their teacher at the beginning of the school day so they can be securely stored. If your child has a mobile phone or smart watch, please ensure they are aware of these requirements as set out by the Department.
School Council Members
Thank you to those parents who nominated. I will be contacting you shortly to finalise the process and be able to announce our new members in the next newsletter!
I would like to take this opportunity to thank:
Parent Reps:
Candy Warburton
Emma Collins
Staff Reps:
Amy Campbell
Sharne Quinn
for their contributions and commitment to our school council. We are always looking for ways our school can improve, and the time committed to make that happen is much appreciated!
Tree Inspection
After a severe storm, similar to the likes of the storm we had three weeks ago, it is important to re-do our tree audit to ensure the safety of all trees on the premises. We had a tree audit conducted last Friday and will eagerly await the results and action anything that needs actioning.
School Uniform
Overall, school uniform is looking very smart! I appreciate those that have worked hard to ensure that full school uniform is worn every day. This includes red, black or white shoes!
Excursions, payments and permission
As you will know excursions, incursions, camps and other activities requiring permission can be complex to organise. From completing risk assessments, payments, notification to the Department and first aid and medical requirements and ensuring correct staffing.
Why do we have cut-off dates?
- The school informs the Department on the Student Activity Locator portal before any excursion or camp. This includes specific student numbers, adult numbers, the address and details of the excursion, which are required well before the day of the event.
- Buses are booked (based on the number of students attending) and we pay our invoice for the bus.
- We pay our invoices (based on the number of students attending) to the event organizer or camp.
- Staffing is allocated (including, at times seeking volunteers) Do we need to pre-book relief teachers?
- Students not attending are organised into alternative programs and staffing allocated based on the number of students staying behind.
- Medical needs of the students attending are catered to.
- Bus lists are printed and kept at the office.
- A risk assessment (based on the number of students attending) is completed and signed by the principal.
The office assists you with being on time for our cut offs by:
- Sending an email when the excursion or camp opens on QKR.
- One week before the cut-off, a reminder goes on Facebook.
- 6 days before the cut-off, an SMS is sent to all parents who have not paid or given permission.
- 5 days before the cut-off we send an email to the classroom teachers letting them know who hasn’t paid or given permission (so they can mention it to the student)
- 2 days before the cut off another SMS is sent to parents who are yet to pay or give permission.
Incursions and excursions are cut-off one week before the event, camps are cut off 2 weeks before the event to ensure adequate time to prepare all of the above!
Parents have 4 weeks to pay for incursions and excursions, 6 weeks for camps.
Payment plans are available if you speak with the office PRIOR to cut-off.
Whilst it seems easy for the school to “just take my child, it’s only one more” the fact is it is not that easy and therefore I will be highly unlikely to allow it to happen.
This is about the health and safety of all who attend an excursion and limiting the administrative burden on school staff.
Have a great fortnight!
Mark Moorhouse