Principal's Ponderings

From our Principal - Mr Chad Smit

Unshakeable Community

In the heart of our vibrant Christian school community lies a foundational principle that guides our interactions, decisions, and teachings: the embodiment of being an authentic Christian community, Christ-centered and grounded in the love and shalom of Jesus Christ. As a principal, I've had the profound joy of witnessing how the infusion of Christ's love transforms our community, fostering a space where each student, team member, and parent feels valued, understood, and deeply connected.


The concept of shalom, often translated as 'peace,' encompasses much more than the absence of conflict. It speaks to a holistic well-being, a harmony that permeates every aspect of life, and a flourishing that only comes from the profound love Jesus models for us. 


In John 13:34-35, Jesus commands, 

‘A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.’


This directive isn't merely a suggestion; it's the cornerstone of how we are to engage with the world and each other.

Being a community that mirrors this love, requires intentional actions and a commitment to seeing Christ in each person we encounter. It means fostering an environment where every student feels seen, heard, and encouraged to grow not just academically, but spiritually and emotionally as well. In Galatians 6:2, we are urged to ‘Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.’ This mutual bearing of burdens knits us closer, creating a fabric of support that can withstand the challenges life throws our way.


Our dedication to being a caring community also means celebrating diversity and recognising the unique image of God 'Imago Dei' in each individual. As Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 12:12-14, Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.’ In our school, each student, teacher, and staff member brings a unique set of gifts and perspectives that enrich our collective experience, teaching us more about the vastness of God's creation and the beauty of His kingdom.

Moreover, embracing Jesus' love calls us to extend our caring beyond the confines of our school walls. It propels us into the community and the world at large, encouraging acts of service, compassion, and kindness. A few years back Matthew 5:16 was the verse for our theme and year. It encourages us to, ‘Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.’ This verse has continued to be part of the fabric at DCS. Our engagement with the broader community isn't just about sharing our faith; it's about living it through actions, that reflect the heart of Jesus.


In creating a Christ-like community, we also emphasise the importance of reconciliation and forgiveness, hallmarks of Jesus' teachings. Colossians 3:13 reminds us, ‘Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.’ This principle is vital in nurturing a community where peace and love prevail, despite our human imperfections.


As we continue to cultivate this authentic DCS community, let us always return to the wellspring of our strength and inspiration: the love and peace of Jesus Christ. May our school not just be a place of learning, but a beacon of His shalom, where every heart is touched by His grace, and every action reflects His love. Together, let's commit to being a community that loves fiercely, serves diligently and lives out the peace of Christ in every interaction.


Chad Smit | Principal



Principal on Sabbatical Leave

Chad Smit, our Principal, will have a period of sabbatical leave commencing this Thursday, 29th February until Wednesday 27th March. This leave is a pre-arranged period of time for Chad to rest, reflect and develop as a leader. The Board values Chad's leadership and, over 12 months ago, began planning for this extended period away.


It will be school as usual during this time, with Tom Evans and Alison Moore jointly leading in Chad's absence. Your child's class teacher remains your primary contact for immediate assistance. Leanne Crawford, the Executive Officer and Hanna Udy, the Board Chair, will also ensure DCS's smooth running. 


If you would like to know 'who to contact' please go to this page and scroll to the 'What do I do if . . .'  to ensure you are connected with the right team member.


We ask for your support and encourage you to pray for Chad while he is away. We look forward to welcoming him back, refreshed and re-energised for the coming years.


Hanna Udy   |   Board Chair