Classroom News

Foundation and Year 1
We Can Eat The Rainbow!
As part of our Inquiry unit “Keeping Our Bodies Healthy”, Foundation and Year 1 learnt that fruit and vegetables come in a range of different colours, shapes and sizes. Through rich discussion and various activities, the students developed their understanding as to why it is important to eat a range of different coloured fruit and vegetables every day!
We learnt that 'white foods' such as onion and cauliflower are good for our immune system; 'orange foods' are good for our eyes; 'yellow foods' are good for our joints; 'red foods' are good for our heart, blood vessels and skin; 'purple foods' are good for our memory and 'green foods' are good for our stomachs, bones and eyes.
Year 2/3
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Please note the planned Y2/3 and Y3/4 Assembly next week has been postponed until Week 7.
Thank you
Hello Wonderful Families,
Wow, our class has settled into the new classroom so well. Learning is calm and peaceful. To get our students ready for the Welcome Mass they have been enjoying a prayerful start to the day around our prayer mat and the wonderful class candle has been decorated beautifully to celebrate the unique qualities each child brings to our room. We are all really looking forward to the Welcome Mass next Wednesday. A big thank you to the parents who helped on the excursion today, your time and energy is greatly appreciated. The Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2’s all had a great time looking at different healthy foods and bought fruit to make a fruit salad which is a part of our Inquiry unit. Just a friendly reminder that Home Learning can come back on Thursday’s please. Have a wonderful rest of your week and we look forward to seeing you at the Welcome Mass.
Year 3/4
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Please note the planned Y2/3 and Y3/4 Assembly next week has been postponed until Week 7.
Thank you
Our SRT Reps for Semester 1 - Georgia and Benjerman
Students comments about their learning.
We have been learning about The Good Samaritan and Lent. There are 3 important things for us to know about Lent. We fast like Jesus did for 40 days in the desert. Almsgiving means giving poor people money and food to help them. Prayer is important because we can talk to God and say all the things we want to tell him. By Georgia
Everything we have done at this school is fun, like learning the macarena dance to help us know the months of the year and playing Buzz to know the days of the week and months of the year. This school is so fun because we like to learn and our teachers help us to learn in a fun way. By Mia
We are having fun learning about the human body. I liked drawing a skeleton and learning more about the kidneys.
By Raffaela
When I heard that Parade had set up a soccer clinic for the Year 4s, I was in shock as well as excited. The good thing about the clinic is about having good team work with the class. By Massie
We have been learning about Time, quarter to and quarter past and telling time by 5 minute intervals.
By Katalina
Year 4/5 Potoroos!
In our Library these past few weeks, we’ve been learning about Australian authors such as Margaret Wild, Mem Fox and a few more! We have also been researching facts about potoroos. Potoroos are also Australian animals. We have a new Library teacher whose name is Rosetta. She is also Cristina’s sister. The year 4/5 has also been organizing the Library books because they were not in order. Lauren and Jasmine
In our Library sessions, part of what we did was change the model of the Library with Rosetta, our new school librarian. It meant that we had to rearrange all of the books and furniture. It seemed a bit impossible at first but in the end, we did it. We think the Library looks marvelous! Nirav
On Thursday, we read a book in the Library called ‘Miss Lily’s Fabulous Pink Feather Boa’. In the book, there was a wonderful potoroo that thought he was the last one in the world. So he began researching about potoroos. One thing that we learnt when we listened to the book was that the potoroos are endangered. Brenton, Cody and Shamus
In the library, the year 4/5 got to research about the potoroos who are endangered! We found out that a potoroo is half rat and half kangaroo. They are mostly found in Tasmania and are endangered because of bushfires and habitat loss. The reason why we researched about the potoroo was because we read a book about the potoroo. The book was called ‘Miss Lily’s Fabulous Pink Feather Boa’, written by Margaret Wild, an Australian author. We hope that people will donate to the Victorian Zoo to save potoroos because we love them! Allie, Callix and Alisha
When we were at the Library, we read a book called ‘Miss Lily’s Fabulous Pink Feather Boa’. We liked the part where the potoroo went to the holiday house and Lily was a crocodile. The potoroos eat fungi and fruits. They also like veggies and sometimes leaves. Potoroos are endangered and no one hears so much about them. Natalie, Kaitlyn and Azariah
The year 4/5 learnt about potoroos. They are endangered animals. The year 4/5 and Rosetta were reading a book called ‘Miss Lily’s Fabulous Pink Feather Boa’. We felt sad about the potoroos because they are endangered. Stephanie, Tiffany and Raffaele
These past Library sessions have been tiring but also very cool! Everyone helped Rosetta to put all the books on the correct shelf. Rosetta also asked me to help her move some furniture with Sam. We are looking at Australian authors. The first book that Rosetta read to us was ‘Miss Lily’s Fabulous Pink Feather Boa’. It was written by Margaret Wild. We have also done research on potoroos. They are creatures like a rat but they have a pouch and their babies are called joeys like kangaroos. I am enjoying these Library sessions. Tristan
Year 5/6
TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More)
One of our class mantras this year is TEAM, the idea that together we are able to achieve more. This generation is the best I've known when it comes to working collaboratively to achieve outcomes. I heard it and saw it with my own eyes this morning, outside the Music room, as a group of boys were constructing and creating a piece of music with keyboards and percussion. It sounded FANTASTIC! Well done Ishe, Alex, Connor, Bhavin, Izaac and Glendon!
Inquiry ~ Our Science Projects
Alex ~ I want to learn how lung cancer occurs as a result of people smoking. This disease is important to me because my nonno died from this. I’d like to organise a fundraiser for the Olivia Newton John foundation which works in this area.
Connor ~ I’m researching lung cancer. My dad’s mum died of it in 2017.
Izaac ~ I’m going to study viruses and the problems faced with doctors on how it can be solved. I’m going to focus on viruses that don’t have a cure.
Glendon ~ I want to concentrate on the liver. What is it? What does it do? How can we look after it and keep it healthy.
Katelin ~ I am interested in studying the lungs. When I play basketball and tennis I always run out of breath. And I’ve never studies it before.
Isabella ~ The heart will be my focus for this project. It’s purpose and what can happen to it are central to my investigation.
Keefe ~ The Digestive System. At first, I was really interested in the stomach and, through our excursion, how does the acid appear in the stomach and how is it produced.
Ishe ~ I chose to research the Nervous System. The Nervous System is very interesting, I read a book about it and I realised that the Nervous System is how you catch something, like a ball or a piece of paper. Different nerves can send messages to the brain when you get hurt, isn't that cool!
Bhavin ~ Is the Brain a muscle? What makes a muscle? Can we look after our muscles? And therefore, our brain?
Onella ~ Blood cancer. Because my mum’s grandma had blood cancer and I want to look deeper into it and try to stop the condition from affecting others.
Yianna ~ I’m doing my research project on Eyes. I want to look at how the eyes work, how the colour is determined and how it sometime changes. I suppose I'm just curious about it.
Harper ~ Tumours, because someone I know experienced a brain tumour and I’m interested in understanding it more.
Roery ~ I'm interested in the skeletal system. Did you know we have more bones when we are a baby than we do when we are an adult?
Fortunato ~ I would like to study the heart. It's personal because my nonno had an emergency involving his heart.
Jacob ~ I am doing the nervous system because it fascinates me; I like the way it works. I've always wondered why people have differing pain tolerances.
Roman ~ This is a very sensitive issue that affects lots of people. It's Dimentia. I have chosen Dimentia because it has a huge emotional impact on the sufferer and their families.
Maxie ~ Memory and memory loss is what my research project will be on. My great grandmother, who was from Indonesia, died in 2022 at the age of 106!! She lost her memory and it was a sad time for my grandma.
Gail- My project is going to be about the Digestive system. I have chosen this because I want to learn what happens to the food we eat and what is the process?