Our Catholic Community

Term 1 Project Compassion Fundraising

Our school community has been overwhelming generous in donating to our Project Compassion fundraising. We have held several events including Pancake Day, Crazy Hair and Sock Day and our Water Challenge Day. 


Throughout the term, our four sports houses have been competing in a battle to raise the most money. 

HouseCrazy Hair/Sock DayWater Challenge DayTotal Amount

Congratulations to Mercy for being our Term 1 Fundraising Champions!


These totals added to our Pancake Day efforts, has seen our school community donate in excess of $1300 to Caritas to support their Project Compassion fundraising. This is an outstanding effort. 


Crazy Hair and Sock Day

Water Challenge Day


Stations of The Cross

On Holy Thursday, we gathered as a Catholic community to follow the Way of the Cross, the journey Jesus took on on the day of his death. The Stations of the Cross were led by a group of secondary students, who reverently acted out each station. 

Term 2 Fundraising

Our fundraising efforts will turn to the Vinnies Winter Appeal in Term 2. Please keep an eye on Facebook and the newsletter for more exciting events.