Wurrin News - Year 9

email:   year9@bairnsdalesc.vic.edu.au

phone: 5150 4800

Swimming CarnivalTuesday 27th February
School PhotosFriday 1st March
Whole school assemblyMonday 4th March
School Photo Catch upTuesday 5th March
NAPLANWednesday 13th March

Students at Work!

Year 9 German


The year 9 German class had a German expat come visit our classroom. The students prepared some questions to ask as it was a unique opportunity to learn from someone with real-life experience in the German language and culture. 


Mr. Schneider shared personal experiences, stories, insights and what’s happening now with some photos through his discussion. The students found it funny that they could hear his accent still after living in Australia for 28 years. 


Year 9 Electives!


Alexis, Nays
Tyson, Frank
Alexis, Nays
Tyson, Frank


Snowy River School for Student Leadership

We have 6 Year 9 students, Ayrton, Elissa, Sam, Jakob, Grace and Thomas attending for all of Term 1 at the school for student leadership in Snowy River. They have all gotten off to a great start and are showing that they are really enjoying their time there. They have had so many experiences such as surfing, canoeing, a cultural day down at Corringle, cooking, games and days where they have had experienced empathy on a whole new level. Some were treated as royalty and received 3-course meals, and others were placed into the lower-class, where they only had 3 bowls of rice in the whole day. These were compared to different countries around the world and the students learnt how poor third-world countries are compared to others. 


Ayrton and Thomas
Pre 'expo' skills
Ayrton and Thomas
Pre 'expo' skills

Elissa said in her online link “Empathy is the ability to see the perspective through someone else's eyes or walk in someone else's shoes”.



Blue Edge is back!

Are you interested in learning new skills? Would you like to be a part of an empowering and fun team? Are you keen to hang out with police?


Maybe you feel like you’re dragging your feet to get to school some days, or you have a love for fitness. You might have personal challenges going on. You could have an interest in leadership and personal growth and development.


If you are in year 7, 8 or 9 and any of these sound like you, then we would love you to apply for this wonderful program.


Blue Edge will run during Term 2 and 3 every Friday morning at school. Sessions run for roughly 90 minutes and include themed workshops, fitness and team building activities and a shared breakfast. Their vision is to ‘inspire, engage and equip young people to be their best self’.


There are only 20 spaces available so if you’re interested and would like to know more please visit your Hub for more info or call the College on 03 5150 4800.



CFA District Mechanical Officer - Work Experience (15+)


East Gippsland Shire Council - Work Experience (15+)

East Gippsland Shire Council (EGSC) would like to extend an offer to students during 2024 to attend their workplace and obtain a career/learning opportunity via the Work Experience/Work Placement Program.


The easiest and most efficient way for EGSC to process any application requests is for the students to complete an application form and return it to hrtraining@egipps.vic.gov.au

They will then advise within one week, whether the business unit has capacity to accept the applicant.

See the careers page for more work experience opportunities and careers events.