Wurrin News - Years 8

email:   year8@bairnsdalesc.vic.edu.au

phone: 5150 4888

Swimming CarnivalTuesday 27th February
School PhotosFriday 1st March
Whole school assemblyMonday 4th March
School Photo Catch upTuesday 5th March

Not so long ago, our entire College community valued the opportunity to contribute to the formulation of our College values - Respect, Resilience and Responsibility. We like to live these values as we grow as learners, into good citizens of our wider community. 


At BSC, year 9 focusses on broadening horizons and exploring possibilities. It’s only natural that at year 8 we work toward getting our students ready for this gateway through year 9 and 10 into VCE or other vocational pathways. 


To meet this upcoming challenge, we are choosing the value of resilience as a focus this year. We have linked the current student leader elections to building resilience through our Humanities – Civics and Citizenship classes. This has been an effective strategy to illustrate how resilience is a vital personal quality that will enable our students to be ready to explore possibilities and broaden their horizons.


Student leadership and building resilience are closely related in several ways.

  1. Personal Growth – Engaging student leadership roles can challenge students to step out of their comfort zones, take on responsibilities, and overcome obstacles. This process helps them develop resilience by learning to cope with setbacks and failures.
  2. Problem Solving Skills – In leadership positions, leaders often encounter various challenges that require creative problem solving. Through navigating these challenges, they build resilience by learning to adapt, persevere and find solutions.
  3. Building Confidence – Taking on leadership roles can build students’ confidence as they develop skills, receive recognition for their contributions and see the impact of their efforts. This increased confidence can help them bounce back from setbacks and disappointments.
  4. Peer Support – Engaging in student leadership often involves collaborating with peers, which can provide valuable social support. Peer encouragement and teamwork foster a sense of belonging and camaraderie, helping students build resilience through shared experiences and mutual encouragement.
  5. Learning from Failure – Student leaders will inevitably face failures and setbacks at some point. However, these experiences provide valuable opportunities for growth and resilience building. By reflecting on their mistakes, adjusting their approach, and persevering, students develop resilience and learn valuable lessons about perseverance.

Student leadership provides a fertile ground for the development of resilience, offering opportunities to grow, learn, and thrive in the face of challenge.


Students have the opportunity to apply to be a student leader of the year 8 cohort. If your student would like to apply, they can come to the hub for an application form!

Students at work!


Lisa and Sherry
Lisa and Sherry

 An amazing example of long division, done by year 8 students Lisa and Sherry. They were dividing by 71, a prime number, to see how many decimals it took to start recurring (because every divided number can be expressed as a recurring decimal).  There were 29 decimals before the recurring pattern even started and then the recurring pattern was 35 decimals long.  Teachers Ryan and Sean checked their work and not one mistake!!


Media Design




Blue Edge is back!

Are you interested in learning new skills? Would you like to be a part of an empowering and fun team? Are you keen to hang out with police?


Maybe you feel like you’re dragging your feet to get to school some days, or you have a love for fitness. You might have personal challenges going on. You could have an interest in leadership and personal growth and development.


If you are in year 7, 8 or 9 and any of these sound like you, then we would love you to apply for this wonderful program.


Blue Edge will run during Term 2 and 3 every Friday morning at school. Sessions run for roughly 90 minutes and include themed workshops, fitness and team building activities and a shared breakfast. Their vision is to ‘inspire, engage and equip young people to be their best self’.


There are only 20 spaces available so if you’re interested and would like to know more please visit your Hub for more info or call the College on 03 5150 4800.