Wargomerrin - Year 7

email:   wargomerrin@bairnsdalesc.vic.edu.au

phone: 5150 4818

Swimming CarnivalTuesday 27th February
School PhotosFriday 1st March
Whole school assemblyMonday 4th March
School Photo Catch upTuesday 5th March
NAPLANWednesday 13th March

Year 7 Camp at The Summit: A Thrilling Adventure!


We are delighted to share with you the excitement and adventures experienced by our year 7 students during their recent camp at The Summit Camp in Trafalgar. This marks the first of two exhilarating camps planned for our year 7 cohort this year, and what a start it was!

The Summit Camp offered our students an immersive outdoor adventure experience centered around five key principles: making lots of mistakes, playing all in, having fun, avoiding the 'what if' mindset, and embracing discomfort. Throughout their stay, our students truly embodied these values, pushing their limits and creating unforgettable memories.


From conquering the bush challenge to soaring through the air on the giant swing, our students fearlessly tackled a variety of activities, including the leap of faith, cave exploring, summit window, skybridge and laser tag. Each challenge presented an opportunity for growth and camaraderie, fostering a sense of teamwork and resilience among our young adventurers.


One of the highlights of the camp was the exhilarating Mud Run, where students and teachers alike embraced the muddy terrain and navigated through water obstacles while carrying two tires. This event showcased their problem-solving skills and determination, leaving them with a sense of accomplishment and camaraderie.


With a total of 89 students from year 7 students and 7 year 10 leaders participating from classes 7A, 7B, 7D, 7E, and 7G, the camp was a true testament to the spirit of our school community. We would like to extend our gratitude to our dedicated staff and leaders for their unwavering support and guidance throughout the camp.


As we reflect on this unforgettable experience, we look forward to the next adventure in May, where classes 7J, 7N, 7P, and 7M will embark on their own journey at The Summit camp. 

The feedback from students and staff has been overwhelmingly positive, with memories made that will last a lifetime.

Blue Edge is back!

Are you interested in learning new skills? Would you like to be a part of an empowering and fun team? Are you keen to hang out with police?


Maybe you feel like you’re dragging your feet to get to school some days, or you have a love for fitness. You might have personal challenges going on. You could have an interest in leadership and personal growth and development.


If you are in year 7, 8 or 9 and any of these sound like you, then we would love you to apply for this wonderful program.


Blue Edge will run during Term 2 and 3 every Friday morning at school. Sessions run for roughly 90 minutes and include themed workshops, fitness and team building activities and a shared breakfast. Their vision is to ‘inspire, engage and equip young people to be their best self’.


There are only 20 spaces available so if you’re interested and would like to know more please visit your Hub for more info or call the College on 03 5150 4800.