
College Office hours

Monday to Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm

Updating Contact Details

Does the College have your most up to date contact details? If not, please complete the Change of Details form available on our website


Please include student/s name, parent/carer’s name, address, phone numbers, email address and emergency contact details. 


Please remember to contact the College whenever your details change.

Bus Travel

School Bus Program

Eligibility for bus travel is approved only for students to travel from their residential address to school and return.  Students who live more than 4.8 kms from their closest government or non government school are permitted bus transport.


Conveyance Allowance

A conveyance allowance is available to assist families in transporting their children to school where there is insufficient access to transport.


To be eligible:

  • Students must live more than 4.8 from their nearest government school and not have access to bus travel; Or
  • Required to travel more than 4.8km to their nearest bus stop to attend their        nearest government school.

Applications are available from the Administration building at the College.  Applications for term 1 close on 3rd March 2024.


If you have questions regarding eligibility of conveyance allowance please contact our College on 5150 4800 and ask to speak with Pearl or Eileen.


Casual Bus Passes

The Bairnsdale Secondary College bus network does not issue casual bus passes.

Sports, sleep overs etc are all of a private nature which we do not cater for.


Fare Paying Bus Travellers

Bus fares for fare paying bus travellers are $125.00 per term. Term 1 bus fares are now due for payment. Please note to meet DET policy, travel cannot be continue to be approved where fares remain unpaid.

Student Accident/Medical Arrangements

If a student is ill or injured, the College may first contact the student’s parent/guardian to determine the medical attention they feel is appropriate. In an emergency situation, the College may call an ambulance or seek any necessary medical attention on behalf of the student’s parents/guardians.    


Parents/guardians are reminded that DET does not provide personal accident insurance for students.


If a student is injured at school or during a College organised activity, then parents/guardians are responsible for the cost of medical treatment, including ambulance costs. Reasonably low cost accident insurance policies are available from commercial insurers and/or ambulance cover is available from Ambulance Victoria.

Session Times