Community News


Introducing ACA – People Outdoors: Camps for People Living with Disability

‘Adventure For All’ 

ACA - People Outdoors, a program of the Australian Camps Association, was established in 1989 to provide outdoor recreation for people of all ages living with disability. Our programs include two-night weekend through to four-day residential camps held during the school holidays. Our participants are looked after by our team of disability support workers for the duration of camp. So, if you’d like the opportunity to experience the social and developmental benefits of adventure outdoors, please contact our team on 03 9863 6824 or visit our website for more information –

Interchange Gippsland

Interchange Gippsland’s fifth Carer Wellbeing Walking Retreat, is coming up 23 - 26 April 2024.   


The Carer Wellbeing Walking Retreat is for Gippsland carers of people eligible for services under the Disability Services Act – including people with psychosocial disabilities.    


Improve your wellbeing and take some time out from your caring role, by walking the Great Southern Rail Trail from Fish Creek to Port Welshpool. This all expenses paid, and fully supported activity includes long walks, great food, morning meditation, facilitated discussions, and a wellbeing plan to take you forward.     


If this is you, there are three ways to register your expression of interest to attend:   

  1. Take 2 minutes, (yes, that’s all it takes) to click on this link  and we will get back to you.  
  2. Call Interchange Gippsland on 1300 736 765 and talk to us about this amazing opportunity.   
  3. Email e- and we will be in touch.    

The Climate Art Exhibition happening at the moment at the Butter Factory Art Space, Bridge Street, Bairnsdale.

This exhibition is named ‘What’s their Future’ and focuses on climate change issues.

I would like to extend an invitation to the children and teachers at your school to come and have a look. 

We would welcome small school groups and would organise to have two of our members there to answer any questions the children may have.  

Entrance is free.

To get this exhibition up and running we invited well known, and in some cases, award winning Gippsland artists to display up to three pieces of their work based around the following questions OR a piece to celebrate the beauty and diversity of our natural world.

What is the Greenhouse effect?

What is global warming?

What is the state of our climate now?

What are the consequences of doing too little, too late?

What actions can we do as individuals and as a community?

This has resulted in a diverse and rich collection of work that speaks to many aspects of our environment and the climate crisis that we are facing.

There is a variety of media, including prints, etching, water colours, sculptures, woodwork, photography and textiles.

We are very keen for people in our community to visit this exhibition, not only to see the remarkable work of our artist, but as a way of giving people a chance to talk about climate change and, maybe further their knowledge on this important issue.


Regards, Ro Gooch

East Gippsland Climate Action Network