Student Voice

The Peer Leaders are doing a wonderful job.

Mrs Kittler caught Peer Leaders being great yesterday while on yard duty. They are doing an awesome job - even in this heat! The Foundation students were giggling and playing happily. It was lovely to see. 

Emu Bob Leaders are back in 2024

Evie B and Emmett C are our Emu Bob Leaders and regularly report on which area of the school is the cleanest. Often it is the oval that is the cleanest, closely followed by the soccer pitch.


Fun Fact: "emu bob". The act or process of picking up litter; a group of people doing this; the act or process of searching an area of ground for something. This term developed out of an earlier verbal form (recorded in the 1920s), emu-bob, meaning 'to pick up pieces of timber, roots, etc., after clearing or burning'.

Year 5L - writing narratives as a class

5L have been writing narratives as a class, with a partner and individually. 

We know that 'talk, talk, talk' helps us 'write, write, write'.

This is the narrative we wrote as a class. As great authors we do know that 

we could 'uplevel' this story even more.  We are quite 

pleased with it though- especially the ending 🙂


Horror at the Primary School


Have you ever found something that you weren’t supposed to find? Well I sure did. Little did I know that my first day of Foundation would be my most terrifying, yet thrilling.


It was my first day of Foundation after moving to Melbourne, from Queensland. We had heard that Ivanhoe was a lovely community, with many families and terrific shops and cafes. Not only that, we had heard the houses were magnificent. Our new house was indeed that! Ours was double storey, with three bedrooms and a large grass area to play soccer, footy and fetch with our dog, Rufus.


On my way to the Principal’s office I saw what looked like a window with a secret tunnel. It caught my attention with its eerie glow. I couldn’t resist, I just had to see what was beyond the window. I stepped through…


There in front of me was a big, shiny red button. It had a warning sign beneath it apparently saying ‘Do Not Press’. Of course, being only 5 and not being able to read, I PRESSED IT! Little did I know the disastrous events ahead.


Instantly, I felt a cold rush of air brush past me and through the window. I saw it was in fact not just air, it was the vision of something I’d had never seen before. Dark, sheet like, transparent creatures were floating around the school and disappearing inside the bodies of any human they came across.


Through the window I noticed teachers and students change drastically. The evil spirits had caused such chaos: school property was being damaged, fires were being lit, arguments and physical fights were everywhere, throwing furniture out of windows and writing graffiti on the walls. My new school was crumbling in an instant. My whole body was shivering in fear. What am I going to do?


It was almost as if the world had heard my plea… there in front of me was that looming, red button. What if I pressed it again? If I did, could anything be worse than it already is? I was determined to take the risk.


My shaky hands reached forward and slammed the button… nothing happened. Then after a few of longest seconds the school stood still, like a frozen moment in time. The unimaginable happened. It was as if an old cassette player had been set on rewind. Windows were put back together, children and teachers stopped fighting and appeared smiling, furniture returned to their places and then I heard that eerie sound again…


“Whoosh,” that cold eerie feeling was getting closer again. Just like dust being sucked through the vacuum cleaner the spirits were drawn through the window and then there was nothing. Nothing except myself and the sounds of what seemed like normality in the schoolyard.


When I returned to my classroom, the teacher asked where I’d been. All the students in my class were on the floor eating fruit snack and eagerly watching and awaiting my response. Those eyes all glaring at me.


So, I told my story from the beginning to the end with all its terrifying detail. Everyone was puzzled, intrigued and disbelieving.


My teacher finally said “Well Alex, that was quite a story! I certainly know that there will be one subject in school that you will thrive in …




By Year 5L.

The 2024 House Captains introduced themselves to the school community at last week’s assembly and received their badges. They spoke superbly sharing their hobbies and their favourite subjects at school. They are an impressive team and are committed to drive all Ivanhoe Primary students to earn loads of house points this year by following our school values:  


In case you missed their speeches, here they are...



Well done to all the House Captains who are already demonstrating excellent leaadership qualities!!

Raising Funds for the Starlight Foundation