Stars of the Week 

Confidence, Persistence, Respect, Resilience and Independence

Our stars are those that demonstrate our school values.


Our Stars are:




2M         Brady

For your amazing 'Share and Learn' presentation. You showed great confidence and included a lot of detail when sharing the items in your 'All about me' bag. Keep up the great work Brady!!


3M        Immanuel

For the effort and confidence, she displayed while being the first to speak in front of the class. Well Done!


4K       Bowen

For sharing your ideas and thoughts on maths problems and strategies with the class. Keep up the excellent work!


5L        Lachlan J & Aryana

For the way you have settled into IPS so quickly. 5L are very fortunate to have you in our class.


Italian     Rondelle (5M)

For your incredible confidence this week when speaking and responding in Italian. Molto brava!


Music      Mikala (6H)

For the steady beat and expert skill, you display on the drum kit. Your consistent, confident work is appreciated. Well done, Mikala!




2N             Charlie

For your amazing independence when doing your share and Learn topic 'All about Me' with the class. You showed great organisation and concentration. Well done!


3H             Pia

For working so hard and independently to up level your writing. How clever you are to add so many great adjectives.


3J             Vlad & Ledio

For putting in excellent effort with your first persuasive writing piece, going above the expectations set. Really Impressive Vlad and Ledio!


3O             William W

For the great work you did in Maths when investigating the outcomes of adding combinations of three odd and even numbers. You explained your prediction really well and your workings that tested your prediction were well organised. Great job, William.


4F             Willow

For consistently working independently, taking care to show what you know - What a star!


5S              William H

For trying so hard in all aspects of your learning. I am so impressed with the awesome persuasive text you wrote this week, you asked for help when you needed it and then you applied your learning to write a convincing piece about spring being the best season. Keep up the amazing effort!


6R            Luka

For demonstrating great organisation skills and being prepared for each lesson. What a great start to Grade 6!


Art           Yoyo (3H)

For your creative use of leaves and flowers to create a cyanotype landscape, it looked amazing Yoyo, well done!




1G        Gus

For being such a kind and helpful classmate. I am so impressed by the way you are always willing to help your peers and teachers. Keep up the wonderful attitude Gus!


4C            Monje

For her kind and respectful behaviour towards her classmates and teachers. You are a valued member of 4C; well done, Monje!


4T            Alexander P

For always doing your best to follow our class routines and school rules, which shows respect for the school, yourself, and your classmates. We really appreciate you!


6H           Elise

For always thinking of others and being so helpful.


6P           Anna

For her kind and respectful behaviour towards her peers and teachers. What an outstanding start to the year you have had Anna. 


PE           5S

For your great teamwork and support of each other. Well done. 




1L           Raffy

For trying so hard to keep going, even when things feel hard. We are VERY impressed with how you have persisted with writing this week. Well done, Raffy!


1R          Patrick

For trying your best and persisting in writing tasks this week. Keep up the incredible effort Patrick! Well done!


2S          Max

For working hard to learn the expectations and routines of 2S and for consistently doing his best to always do the right thing. Keep it up!


5M          Matilda

For really applying yourself in all learning tasks this week with a positive attitude. It has been awesome seeing you persist and offer your thoughts and opinions during class discussions. What a super effort! Well done!




1H          Micah

For coming to school every day and working so hard, especially in literacy. I am so proud of your efforts and how you keep trying when things get difficult. Go Superstar.


Stars of the Week & School Values

We focus on positive behaviours and good citizenship. Everyone has the right to feel safe at school. Our School Values are Confidence, Independence, Persistence, Resilience, and Respect. 


It is up to all of us to bring our values to life and present them in a way that makes sense.  Here are some examples.


Persistence - is not giving up, having more than one go at something, trying again when you get something wrong or just practicing to do your best.


Resilience - Resilient people often feel good about themselves. There is a difference between people who bounce back easily and those who get frustrated. If you can learn to bounce back you’ll do better at everything in life.


Confidence - Self-confidence is the belief in yourself and in your abilities. That you can do it. When you experience success, you feel good inside and you want to do better.


Independence – Our aim is to ensure that every student is able to develop into an adult capable of looking after themselves, to thrive on the challenges that life throws at us, to experiment sensibly with risks and develop your own ways of doing things successfully.


Respect - Is thinking and acting in a way that shows others you care about their feelings and their well-being.


Our stars are those that demonstrate our school values and set an example to our community . Behaviours that disrupt learning and teaching will not be tolerated.