From the Principal

Working Bee ‘Hour of Power’ - Saturday 24th February, 3-5pm

"Kids earn house points / If we've enough people we will bbq some sausages"


Our Peer Leaders will be presented with their badges at Monday's assembly.


This week's tip: Doing maths together at home.

Welcome to IPS 

Working Bee ‘Hour of Power’ - Saturday 24th February, 3-5pm


Join us for our first working bee of the year! An hour or two of your time will make all the difference to our school. We have a list of jobs requiring attention and we really need a BIG effort from EVERYONE to get our school in tip-top shape! This is a great opportunity for families to meet others within the community and for kids to show care for their school environment too. 


Jobs include gardening, painting, moving furniture, sweeping, cleaning drinking troughs, and clearing gutters. 


Please add your name to the list so we have an idea of how much we can cover on the day.


Please bring gloves, buckets, and gardening tools if you have them. 

Kids welcome! House points and icy poles are on offer for helpers.

Numeracy Tips

Through everyday activities at home, you can also help your child develop their numeracy skills, such as calculating and using numbers, recognising patterns, and using language to develop mathematical understanding.


Talking about maths


It is important for children to develop specific language skills related to maths. Visits to the playground, or helping at home, provide rich and meaningful contexts to develop these skills. It might take time for your child to use these terms and language effectively, but exposure to this mathematical talk is a strong support for future learning.


Some activities to develop mathematical language:

  • Use specific terms when asking for items. For example, ask your child to get the ‘one litre’ milk bottle from the fridge, or the ‘one kilo’ bag of flour from the cupboard.
  • When cooking, talk about different measurements used, such as teaspoons, millilitres, litres, and cups. Discuss ideas about empty and full.
  • As you walk, talk and play together describe your child’s movements as they climb ‘over’ the fence, slide ‘between’ the poles, and swing ‘under’ the monkey bars. This helps your child understand language related to spatial awareness.
  • Sorting activities support your child to understand concepts such as ‘same’ and ‘different’. Use recycling as an opportunity to sort items to place in the rubbish. For example, paper, plastic, food waste, and general waste.

"Smart" watches

While it is wonderful to see students wearing watches, it is apparent that some of these "smart" watches can be used to make mobile calls. We have been advised that some children have been using their watches to make calls during school time. The Department of Education is quite clear on its mobile phone (and devices) policy. Smartwatches must have their capacity to make calls switched off (similar to flight mode) or not be brought to school.


There are three categories of exceptions (relating to phones/devices). They are:

  1. learning-related, 
  2. health and well-being related, including:
    (Example: A student with diabetes may use their mobile device to monitor their blood sugar and the administration of insulin)
  3. risk related.



Please help your child set up their device so that they are not inadvertently breaking the rules.

NAPLAN (Test window is March 13th to the 25th)


IPS sitting dates will be confirmed at a later date but because we have had a few questions from students (and parents) we just want you to know that these tests do not assess all of what makes each of you exceptional and unique. 


The marks you get from these tests will tell you how you did on that day, but they won't tell you everything. 


NAPLAN can't tell you that you have persisted and improved on something you used to find difficult. 


NAPLAN can't tell you that you brighten up your teacher’s day but we know you do.


NAPLAN can't tell you how amazingly special you are but we know you are. The people who mark these tests don't know that you may love to sing, that you may love to draw, and that you help your friends when they need you. 


They don't know that some of you can dance, speak another language, play music, are good at chess or can speak confidently in front of your class or at assembly. They do not know that you participate in sports or that you help your mum or dad or that you play with your little brother, sister or cousins. 


They do not know that you are caring, and thoughtful and that every day you come to school to do your best, because these attributes cannot be tested. 


So, when you come to school ready to do your best at NAPLAN remember, “There is no one way to test all of the wonderful things that make you, YOU!” 

2024 Education Week 13th to the 17th of May

Ivanhoe Primary School will celebrate Education Week with an Open Morning on Wednesday the 15th of May.


Education Week is an annual celebration of education in Victoria.


In 2024, Victoria will celebrate Education Week from Monday 13th May to Friday 17th May.

The theme will be Spotlight on STEM, a chance for schools to celebrate and share how they bring science, technology, engineering, and maths to life in the classroom.

Peer Leaders

Our Peer Leaders will be presented with their badges at the assembly on Monday 26th of February.  


You are most welcome to attend. 


Our 2024 Peer Leaders are:

Parent Representative for classes

The role of the Parent Representative is to maintain a good communication link with our community and to provide support for the classroom teacher. Ideally, there is a representative linked with each class.


Expectations of Parent Representatives are flexible, taking into account the time each rep has to give to the role. Ultimately, how and when a Parent Representative is used within the classroom is decided by the classroom teacher. An important role for the Parent Representative is to develop a supportive relationship with other parents in the class. He/she is not expected to carry out all the tasks that may arise and hopefully, he/she will be able to engage most parents in the arranged activities and to share the tasks throughout the year.  Parent Representatives may be involved in one or more of the following activities:

  • Contact with families in the class and any families new to the class/school.
  • Coordinating class support for the teacher for activities such as helpers for excursions or special activities.
  • Assist with raising interest in fundraising activities such as encouraging families to attend and organising class groups to participate in school social events. 
  • Encourage working bee participation.

If you are interested in being a parent representative, please read the entire letter on the special Parent representative page of this edition of Inside Ivanhoe and then complete the slip (or email/dojo) and return it to your class teacher as soon as possible.

Volunteers and Parent/Family Helpers

Last week teachers sent home information on how you can support your child’s learning and how you can be involved in our school.  Both teachers and students value the support you can provide.  Don't forget to return the form letting us know if and how you'd like to get involved in the school program.  

Second-hand uniform  shop (Re-use Recycle)

The Ivanhoe Primary School Second-hand uniform shop provides an opportunity for families to buy quality second-hand uniforms, bags, drink bottles, library bags, and smocks for a reasonable cost. The second-hand uniform sales are held throughout the year. Please contact our office staff for any purchases. We accept cash only.


Secondhand uniform shop also provides an opportunity for families to donate these things that they no longer require. Please donate clean uniforms, bags, drink bottles, library bags, and smocks that you would be happy to buy yourself. 


Prices of items are as follows:

Long Sleeve Polo Fleece Jackets -$5

School Bags - $5 

All other items e.g. school t-shirts and shorts, library bags, drink bottles, and art smocks are $3 each.


We rely on parent volunteers who help us tidy up the Second-hand shop. Please feel free to contact our office staff if you wish to volunteer for the Second-hand shop.


We are looking for parent volunteers with first aid training to be available between 1.40pm and 2.40pm each day to provide occasional first aid to students who hurt themselves on the school grounds. Generally, these are very minor injuries requiring little more than a band-aid and reassurance. If you have the qualifications and the availability, or would just like to discuss this further please contact our admin team on 9499 1880. Note that all volunteers require a working with children check.


Thank you for your support.


Mark Kent



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