Senior School News

Year 10

Year 10 Community Building

On Friday March 15, Friends of Salvado (FoS) hosted our Community Sundowner. A key aim of this event was to enrich community relationships. I was so proud of our Year 10 students who really ‘stepped up’ and enthusiastically supported the sundowner. 

Students enrolled in Mr Johns’ Sport Coaching class helped set the venue up, and nearly 30 Year 10 students supported on the evening with an array of activities, including face painting, nail treatments, a very busy sausage sizzle, and the event clean up. I would also like to acknowledge Mrs Thomas, who generously volunteered her amazing hair braiding skills, and the many parents who changed their usual Friday schedule to support their child’s involvement.


Two important outcomes have eventuated from Year 10 student involvement. Firstly, a sum of $650 will help subsidise their Term Four social event. Secondly, and most importantly, these students have shown a willingness to help consolidate our College’s wonderful community identity.

Progress Reports

This week, students will be presented with their Term One Progress Reports. With 2025 Subject Selection on our near horizon, these reports will provide families with a powerful snapshot of student progress. For many students, these reports will be an affirmation of their wonderful start to the year. For other students, these reports aim to initiate conversations which inevitably lead to goal setting and improvement. Parents and guardians are strongly encouraged to contact teachers if the Progress Reports prompt any queries.

Happy Holidays

I wish all families a safe, restful and rejuvenating holiday period. Whilst I hope that our students enjoy easter egg abundance, I also pray that they do also leave space in their hearts for Jesus this Easter. I look forward to seeing our Year 10 students next term, looking resplendent in their winter uniform, with their brand-new blazers adding extra pizzazz.


Quote of the Week:

Life can be beautiful if you make it beautiful. It is up to you.

~ Eddie Jaku, Holocaust survivor and author of The Happiest Man on Earth


Mr Jason Meynell

Head of Senior School (Year 10)