A Message from the Principal

Dear Parents and Carergivers 


As we journey through Holy Week and approach the joyous celebration of Easter, I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude and reflection. Easter is a time of renewal, hope, and the profound reminder of the immense love that Christ has bestowed upon us.

In the midst of our busy lives and the challenges we face, Easter calls us to pause, to reflect, and to embrace the transformative power of faith. It is a time to rekindle our spirits, to deepen our connections with one another, and to reaffirm our commitment to living out the values of compassion, kindness, and service.


As members of a Catholic College community, we are blessed with the opportunity to witness the beauty of Easter unfolding in the hearts and minds of our students each day. Through their acts of generosity, empathy, and solidarity, they embody the true spirit of Christ's teachings and inspire us all to strive for greater love and understanding in our lives.


On Thursday we will come together as a community in prayer and celebration, united in our shared faith and devotion to living lives of purpose and meaning. May the joy of Easter fill our hearts with hope, our minds with clarity, and our souls with peace.


On behalf of the and staff, I wish you and your families a blessed and joyous Easter filled with the abundance of God's grace and blessings.


Peace & Goodness to all,

Ian Hagen
