Middle School

Year 9+10



If you are interested in joining the Middle school leadership team, please fill in the following form.



9A, 9F, 9F, 9G, 9H: you have an assembly on Friday during period 3, in the theatre. The assembly will go through key information about Urban Experience. If you are away on this day, please see Ms Kerwin. 



All year 9 students have the opportunity to take part in the program and start planning their future. Parents/Cares are asked to please login to Compass to provide consent (there is no cost). Click the link below for more information.


Week 3Friday 16th, Period 3Assembly -  9A, 9G, 9H, 9D, 9F
Week 4Mon 19 - Fri 23 FebY9 Urban Experience - 9A, 9G, 9H
Week 5Mon 26 Feb - Fri 1 MarY9 Urban Experience - 9D, 9F
Week 7Wed 13 MarY9+10 Division Sport
Week 7Tues 12th - 15th MarNAPLAN
Week 8Mon 18th Mar - 22nd MarNAPLAN
Week 9Tue 26 - Thu 28 MarY9 Morrisby Careers 


Well done to all the students with green compass posts. There were too many to list. The students below received multiple posts or special shout outs from teachers. Keep up the good work! 

  Maxi Martinez Y9 - Academic 

  Elijah Fautua Y9 - Academic

  Zehou Li Y9 - Academic

  Samuel Lee Y9 - Academic

  Bella Vartuli Y10 - Maths

  Nura Aden Y10 - Legal Studies

  Eric Manoria Y10 - Legal Studies 

  Archie Dolence Y10 - Maths


Participation in the Multicultural Youth Leadership Conference 

Well done Chelsea, Jason, Maria, Dalia, Jordan, Fatima and Shayna. You did an amazing job at the conference. We are proud of you and hope you had an inspiring day out. 




Year 9

Rebecca Kerwin
Jaimi Paten
Ben Van Berkel
Rebecca Kerwin
Jaimi Paten
Ben Van Berkel

Year 10

Kaisha Corkery-Lavender
Jessica New
Rocco Montesano
Kaisha Corkery-Lavender
Jessica New
Rocco Montesano