Faith, Mission 

& Identity

"serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received"

— 1 Peter 4:10

Feast of St Brigid & The Liturgical Theme Art Award

As a College, we gathered to celebrate our incredible patroness on Friday, 2 February. This year, we celebrate the 1500th anniversary of St Brigid’s death, and the celebration of her Feast marked the beginning of year-long celebrations to mark her life and incredible legacy. 


Introduced at this mass was our 2024 Liturgical Theme. Each year, our Faith and Charism Captain decides on a liturgical theme for the College. Drawn from the first letter of St Peter, our 2024 theme is "serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received" (1Peter 4:10) and intertwines with our celebrations of St Brigid in this significant year, with her maxim 'what is mine, is theirs'.


Peter, in his letter, writes to Christian communities, including areas evangelised by St Paul. He reminds Christians that they are encouraged to remain faithful and invest in praying and loving each other deeply, including sharing their homes and food with those in need. He implies that we must see whatever we have as a gift from God and that we must see whatever we have been given as an opportunity to serve one another. 


The winner of this year's award has encapsulated all that it means to serve one another. She has created an image unique to our College and history, illuminating through her art, both strength and gentleness. 


It was with great pride that we announced the winner of the 2024 Liturgical Theme Art Award, Isabella Larbalester (Year 11), for her work The Gifts to Serve.


Below is Isabella’s artwork and Artist Statement that was presented to the community: 

1 Peter 4:10 emulates the Brigidine spirit of utilising our individual gifts in order to impact our community which is fostered through the 6 School Houses, whereby each Saint and Sister acts as a symbol of service through their work thus also acting as a guide. The Saints and Sisters are featured with their house colours throughout the artwork alongside the Brigidine girls, conveying their intertwining relationships. Additionally, I have included Christ overlooking the artwork highlighting the vocation to serve others in the light of Christ. The purple clothing covering Christ is symbolic of Advent and Lent within the liturgical year which are pinnacle points where our gifts must shine to serve the vulnerable. The Holy Spirit’s role in bestowing individual gifts is made apparent through the ribbons of the colour houses connecting with the sacred heart. Conclusively the foreground captures the significance of the diverse Brigidine girls with their respective house gifts in enacting 1 Peter 4:10 to impact the community.


Year 7 Welcome Mass 


On Friday, 9 February, Year 7 and their families gathered for our Eucharistic Celebration to officially welcome them to the Brigidine community. 


During the eucharistic celebration, our new students received their blessed College and House Badges from Principal, Sharyn Quirk and their Pastoral Care Teachers. 


We ask God’s richest blessings be upon our new students as they begin their journey at this College:


Lord God, 

We thank you for these young people who have joined our Brigidine community. Help them to make the most of the opportunities they have and to build relationships with each other. Help them to know your presence is with them in the joys and the struggles that are part of school life. We pray that as they grow here at Brigidine College, they will come to know you. 

Fill them afresh with your spirit and inspire them to walk in your ways.

Shrove Tuesday

This coming Tuesday is Shrove Tuesday, more commonly known as Pancake Tuesday. 


Our College Student Leadership Team will sell pancakes outside Synan Hall from 8:00am to mark this significant day. All money raised will go to our Lenten Appeal - Caritas’ Project Compassion. 

We have two bundles for sale:


Bundle #1: 1 Pancake, maple syrup & cutlery - $3.00

Bundle #2: 2 Pancakes, maple syrup & cutlery - $5.00

Add on Juice for $1.00!!


Be quick- they sell fast!!

Ash Wednesday

We will gather as a community this Wednesday to begin our Lenten Season with our Ash Wednesday liturgies. 


As we journey together as a community towards Easter, part of the Lenten call is to quiet and reflection. A call to still ourselves and consider our faith lives. It’s an opportunity to ask ourselves: Am I able to hear the voice of God? 


Our lives are filled with so much noise. While our faith affirms that God is in all of these things, still, Lent calls us away. Lent calls us to our inner room. To an extra moment of quiet. To soften our hearts and listen for the voice of God. The still, small voice that whispers and waits inside of us. Calling us to return. Calling us to faithfulness. Calling us to begin our Lenten journey back home to the God who loves us. 


Almighty and ever living God,

You invite us deeper into your world, your people, your Lent.

May this time be one of outward focus; seeking you in those we often ignore.

Help us live a Lent focused on freedom, generosity, and encounter.

Give us hearts hungry to serve you and those who need what we have to give.

St Brigid... Pray for us.

Friday Morning Mass

This Friday, 16 February, we begin our Morning Masses in St Anne’s. 


All Brigidine staff, parents, guardians and students are welcome to attend. The upcoming dates for these masses are:

  • Friday 16 February
  • Friday 1 March
  • Friday 15 March
  • Friday 12 April


St Anne's is located on-site at Brigidine, near the stairs to Cullen Hall.  Please be seated by 7:55 a.m. for an 8:00 a.m. start. Mass concludes at approximately 8:30 am. 


I look forward to sharing these eucharistic celebrations with you.



Jamie Lee Wood

Director of Religious Education & Mission