What's Happening in our Specialist Programs

Performing Arts
What’s Happening in Performing Arts: Term 1
What’s happening in Performing Arts
Over the first couple of weeks, students have been settling into the routines as well as getting to know me. In Performing Arts we are all trying to do our best, challenge ourselves and show respect for everyone as well as the equipment and instruments. Hopefully we will also always have fun!
What will be happening this term in Performing Arts:
Prep, Year 1 & 2
This term students in these year levels are covering all 3 strands of Performing Arts: drama, dance/movement and music.
They are learning new songs, some with actions, and responding to music through movement. Students are learning to move safely, exploring both fine and gross motor movements as well as using as many body parts as possible. They are creating their own movements to the beat as well as copying those of others.
In drama, students are learning about mime, using body movements, actions and facial expressions to portray characters, animals and situations. They are using puppets to improvise, explore vocal expression and create characters and short plays in groups.
Year 3 & 4
This term students are exploring drama skills of body language and vocal expression through a variety of games, activities, miming, use of props and script reading.
Collaboration is important when working with any number of people and we are also compromising and sharing ideas with a partner and in a group.
They are encouraged to challenge themselves to step outside their comfort zone by trying new skills and building their confidence.
We are experimenting with emotions, posture and vocal expression by means of developing characters through improvisation and scripts.
Year 5 & 6
The focus this term is on drama, developing skills and building confidence. Students are exploring mime, vocal expression, body language and the use of space and props to portray characters, moods and scenes. Techniques of voice and movement are vital for not only creating a character, but also setting the mood and engaging the audience.
Students will participate in a variety of improvisation activities and look at different performance styles and genres.
Working cooperatively and collaboratively with a partner, or in a group is a vital part of the Performing Arts’ program and an important part of activities at this level.
It is hoped this term will assist the Year 6 students with their stage presence and confidence and encourage them to audition for this year’s production.
Mr Tapp and I are currently investigating off site venues for the staging of this year’s production.
We are hoping to have this finalised in the next couple of weeks.
The choice of venue will slightly influence our choice of production, but we hope to announce this to the Year 6s by the end of Term 1.
Auditions will be then held in Term 2.
Stay tuned for regular updates.
Visual Arts
What’s Happening in Visual Arts: Term 1
What’s happening in Visual Art
Over the first couple of weeks, students have been settling into the routines and expectations of the art room. Students have been learning about their special hook number, which is a location where they can safely keep their hats and jumpers outside for each lesson. Many students have remembered to bring their art smocks to school in the new year, and some are still remembering! If your child’s art smock is still at home, please send it along to school in their bag.
What will be happening this term in Visual Art:
This term the Prep students will be developing their paper cutting and construction skills. They will learn how to hold scissors correctly and cut in a safe direction. Students will experiment with paper changing techniques such as fringing, scrunching and ripping to create a 3D paper garden. Students will also develop their knowledge of re-using paper scraps in the art room, to create new and beautiful collages with recycled paper.
Year 1
This term the Year 1 students will be exploring modelling techniques with clay to create their very first pinch pot! They will learn about the origin of clay, how it is formed and experiment with a variety of modelling techniques such as breaking, rolling and pinching the clay, as well as using clay tools to create different patterns and texture on the exterior of their pots. Students will also develop knowledge of painting processes, by mixing unique colours, making paintbrush choices and neatly painting their ceramic pots.
Year 2
This term the Year 2 students will be further developing their knowledge of collage by exploring the work of Jeannie Baker and Eric Carle. Students will create a miniature nature collage, inspired by loved Australian classic Where the Forest Meets the Sea, using natural materials from our school yard and materials from the pantry such as pearl barley, salt and split peas. They will also explore the illustration work of Eric Carle, using specialised cutting and layering techniques to create an animal collage.
Year 3
This term the Year 3 students will be exploring modelling techniques with clay to create a clay monster. They will learn about the origin of clay, how it is formed and experiment with a variety of modelling techniques such as breaking, rolling, twisting, coiling and pinching the clay. They will also use clay tools to create different lines and texture on their monsters, to add to their interesting features. Students will also develop knowledge of painting processes, by mixing unique colours, making paintbrush choices and neatly painting their ceramic monsters.
Year 4
This term the Year 4 students will develop their knowledge in the rich history of Mid-Century Modern homes around Beaumaris. They will explore the works of Australian artists such as Howard Arkley and Frances Mary Burke to create bright and repetitive patterns, and use collage techniques, colour blocking and repetition to recreate a vibrant home inspired by the MCM homes in our community.
Year 5
This term the Year 5 students will be exploring modelling techniques with clay to create a “Pot of Gold” – a pinch pot with a lid; a vessel to hold any gold found on camp at Sovereign Hill. They will learn about the origin of clay, how it is formed and experiment with a variety of modelling techniques such as breaking, rolling, twisting, coiling and pinching the clay. They will also use clay tools to create patterns and textures on the surface of their pots, related to their design briefs. Students will also further develop their knowledge of painting processes, by mixing unique colours, and neatly painting their “Pots of Gold”.
Year 6
This term the Year 6 students will be exploring a variety of self-portrait styles, inspired by famous artists such as Andy Warhol, Vincent Van Gogh and Frida Kahlo. They will experiment with a range of mediums such a digital photography, watercolour paint, soft pastels and acrylic paint to create a variety of self-portraits, to discover which art medium they prefer to work with. They will then plan and develop a self-portrait to be displayed at their Year 6 Graduation, which will showcasing their skills and personality in their final year of primary school.
Details about the Art Easter competition will be announced soon by our Visual Art Captains – stay tuned!
Please ensure your child has a NAMED art smock. Art smocks remain in a basket in each classroom and are brought to the art room each week for their lesson. If your child does not have an art smock, they can be purchased via Primary School Wear. https://www.psw.com.au/schools/beaumaris-primary-school.html
Alternatively, art smocks can also be purchased from Kmart, Target, Big W, any craft store… Or even an old oversized shirt from home is fine too!
Over the years, the BPS community have donated reusable items to the art room. This term the art room will happily accept the following items:
- Polystyrene meat trays (cleaned)
- Yoghurt tubs, ice cream tubs (cleaned)
* please no wine corks – we have thousands!
Please keep your eyes peeled for volunteering opportunities throughout Term 1 in the art room. A link to volunteer.org will be posted fortnightly in the school newsletter (when required for specific year levels). Please remember that all volunteers are required to have a Working with Children’s Check.
Physical Education
What’s Happening in PE: Term 1
What’s happening in PE
Over the first couple of weeks, students have been settling into the routines and expectations for PE. Students have been learning about ABCD - Act safe, Be positive, Cooperate and Do your best.
What will be happening this term in PE:
Prep | |
Week 1 & 2 | We are learning to
Week 3 & 4 |
Week 5 & 6 |
Week 7 & 8 |
Week 9, 10 |
Year 3 | |
Week 1 & 2 | We are learning to
Week 3 & 4 |
Week 5 & 6 |
Week 7 & 8 |
Week 9, 10 |
Year 4 | |
Week 1 & 2 | We are learning to
Week 3 & 4 |
Week 5 & 6 |
Week 7 & 8 |
Week 9, 10 |
Year 5 | |
Week 1 & 2 | We are learning to
Week 3 & 4 |
Week 5 & 6 |
Week 7 & 8 |
Week 9, 10 |
Year 6 | |
Week 1 & 2 | We are learning to
Week 3 & 4 |
Week 5 & 6 |
Week 7 & 8 |
Week 9, 10 |
Hockey Roadshow Southern United Hockey
Sporting Schools grant Year 1 - tennis
Interschool sport Years 5 and 6
Intra school sport Years 5 and 6
Swimming team to compete at district Years 4-6
District Tennis Championships
Team Vic applications
Parent helpers will be required for the interschool sport program and there will be an opportunity to apply soon.
What’s Happening in Japanese: Term 1
What’s happening in Japanese
Over the first couple of weeks, students have been settling into the routines and expectations of the Japanese room. Some students have volunteered for classroom jobs such as Japanese class captains for the term (starting and ending the lesson), password keeper (making sure they find out the word or phrase everyone must say before entering class), security guard (stands on the bridge and lets student in when they say the correct password or directs them back to the password keeper to hear it again), time keeper (to set timers when doing story time all in Japanese), and phone person (answers the phone in Japanese if it rings and takes messages). Respect is very important in Japan so students are encouraged to thank their teachers at the end of every day and greet people at the beginning of the day in Japanese.
What will be happening this term in Japanese:
Preps this term are learning all about Japan - where it is, what language they speak, how we would get there, etc. They are learning basic greetings, Japanese songs and how to write and read their name in Japanese. This term they will also learn about Setsubun festival (February) and Hinamatsuri (Girls’ Day) festival which is celebrated on March the 3rd. All girls will have their photo taken in a traditional kimono and this will be uploaded to Seesaw.
Year 1
This term, the Year 1 students will continue to practise their greetings, numbers, colours and reading and writing their names in katakana. Students will compare schools in Japan to Australia and set up classroom jobs including Japanese captains who will open and close each lesson. They will all research the animal year they were born in and enjoy Setsubun festival (February) and Hinamatsuri (Girls’ Day) festival which is celebrated on March the 3rd. All girls will have their photo taken in a traditional kimono and this will be uploaded to Seesaw.
Year 2
This term, the Year 2 students will compare schools in Japan to Australia and set up classroom jobs including Japanese captains who will open and close each lesson. Students will practice asking each other how they are (ogenki desu ka) and tell the day, date and weather each week. Students will learn about Daruma, set goals for the year and learn how to create sentences about their Daruma in Japanese. They will all research the animal year they were born in and enjoy Setsubun festival (February) and Hinamatsuri (Girls’ Day) festival which is celebrated on March the 3rd. All girls will have their photo taken in a traditional kimono and this will be uploaded to Seesaw.
Year 3
This term, the Year 3 students will continue to learn more phrases to communicate in the classroom. All students in Year 3 are encouraged to ask in Japanese if they want to go to the toilet, get a drink or borrow something. Students will enjoy learning about Daruma and setting goals for the year. They will create a Daruma and describe it using only Japanese. This will be uploaded to Seesaw. This term we will look at the many festivals, including Setsubun (oni), Hinamatsuri (Girls' Day) and the 12 zodiacs - including this year, the year of the Dragon. All girls will have their photo taken in a traditional kimono and this will be uploaded to Seesaw.
Year 4
This term, the Year 4 students will continue to communicate in the classroom, incorporating many student jobs. All students are encouraged to discuss the weather, date, and how they’re feeling each week in Japanese. They are also encouraged to ask in Japanese if they want to go to the toilet, get a drink or borrow something. Students will enjoy learning about Daruma and setting goals for the year. They will create a Daruma and describe it using only Japanese. This will be uploaded to Seesaw. This term we will look at the many festivals, including Setsubun (oni), Hinamatsuri (Girls' Day) and the 12 zodiacs - including this year, the year of the Dragon. All girls will have their photo taken in a traditional kimono and this will be uploaded to Seesaw.
Year 5
This term, the Year 5 students will continue to practice their hiragana/katakana reading by doing weekly ikana tests on the iPads. Students will enjoy communicating in Japanese in the classroom and working on building the time only spoken in Japanese each week. Students have the opportunity to fill classroom jobs. This term students will create a Daruma and set a goal for the year. They will learn how to create more complex sentences about their Daruma in Japanese. Students will celebrate Setsubun festival (February) and Hinamatsuri (Girls' day) in March. All girls will have their photo taken in traditional kimono which will be uploaded to Seesaw.
Year 6
This term, the Year 6 students will start their ‘belts’ for the year. There are 7 belts to complete (white, yellow, orange, green, blue, read, black). Only a few students have reached their black belts! Students are encouraged to speak as much Japanese as possible and continue with their reading of the hiragana mini books. Each lesson they will complete an ikana test for character recognition. White belt activities are: read and write their katakana name, say 4 greetings, read any 3 hiragana mini books from series 1, read and write simple hiragana words, complete 7-10 sentences about their daruma and say their goal for the year in Japanese, role play asking someone when their birthday is as well as stating their own and showing sensei what some Japanese gestures would look like. They will also celebrate Setsubun and Hinamatsuri festivals and girls will have their photo uploaded to Seesaw dressed in traditional Japanese kimono.
On Wednesday March the 6th we will celebrate Japanese Day. This year, we are very fortunate to have SHIN from Japan perform, who will showcase taiko drums, shinuobe flute and electric piano. They are here to perform at Moomba Festival and for Beaumaris Primary! Please see here for a preview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxlLVGDFyqg
We also have Toshi from Wadaiko Rindo performing for the morning assembly. Students are invited to dress up on Japanese Day. They may like to take inspiration from traditional Japanese costume, the colours of the Japanese flag (red/white), Pokémon or Japanese characters, etc. Please note; please ensure no chopstick accessories, ninja swords, masks or head coverings are included in costumes. We look forward to coming together to celebrate this day.
Japanese at home
Some students want to work on their hiragana reading at home. This app is free and may help some students who would like to practice.
Environmental Science and Sustainability
What’s Happening in Environmental Science & Sustainability: Term 1
What’s happening in Environmental Science & Sustainability
The students from Prep to Year 6 have all enjoyed their first couple of weeks in this new specialist subject. They have been introduced to the new room, at the eastern end of the SALC, and have explored the kitchen garden area for harvesting and learning about our current vegies and herbs. During the term all year levels will have some time in the garden, preparing the soil, planting, watering and caring for the plants and harvesting. They have thoroughly enjoyed harvesting and tasting the purple beans and tomatoes in the last two weeks.
What will be happening this term in Environmental Science & Sustainability:
While Waste will be our main theme for Term 1, all year levels will also be enjoying Biodiversity lessons and activities, as we are working very hard this year towards regaining our Resource Smart Stars for both Biodiversity and Waste. We will all be focusing on reducing our footprint, particularly in the area of Waste, and building our knowledge and skills around the expansion of the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle) to the newer 6Rs (refuse, rethink, reuse, reduce, repurpose, recycle). We look forward to keeping you updated on our progress and welcome families to share any ideas/products/habits which we will include on our soon to be new Sustainable Living webpage. This term the students will participate in Schools Clean Up Australia Day on Friday 1st March, and we will learn about Earth Hour, which takes place on Saturday 23rd March.
This term the Prep students will be learning about the importance of “nude food/zero hero” lunchboxes and the reasons behind reducing packaging and waste. They will explore ways of keeping food fresh through the use of alternative storage and wrappings, developing their understanding of recycling and why we have no rubbish bins in our yard for student use. They will also experience fun in the garden, watching our edible plants grow, learning about the need for water, sunshine and nutrients in the soil, composting and enjoy the spoils of the garden where possible.
Year 1
This term the Year 1 students will be exploring the concept of reducing waste and how we can do our best to develop sustainable habits. They will focus on “nude food/zero hero” lunches and nutritional concepts as well as those of packaging and waste. The students will explore the school bin system, including waste, recycling, landfill and compost bins in classrooms and how we use each of these by exploring a variety of educational and fun materials. They will also have some time in the garden, for which they are already extremely enthusiastic.
Year 2
This term the Year 2 students will be further developing their knowledge of “nude food/zero hero” lunches along with the concepts of waste reduction and the importance of nutritionally healthy food. They will explore the school bin system, focusing on the school’s bin setup, and how we can help the environment by not only using these systems correctly, but also support others to do so. The students will spend time in the kitchen garden and experience how the garden works first hand.
Year 3
This term the Year 3 students will be consolidating their knowledge and practice of “nude food/zero hero” lunches, in terms of both the reduction of waste and also focus on nutritionally healthy foods. They will explore the processes of recycling and repurposing, use of alternative packaging for food and the benefits for the environment. They will spend time in the kitchen garden, caring for plants, helping with the compost system, and generally expanding their knowledge in areas of Biodiversity and Waste. They will explore the expansion of the 3Rs to 6, and create their own mini lessons to teach their families and friends.
Year 4
This term the Year 4 students will revisit the concept of “nude food/zero hero” lunchboxes and explore available alternative wrappings and food storage solutions. They will also develop their knowledge in the area of waste systems, and how our school system works, with no bins in the yard for students. They will explore the wider theme of waste management including compost, recycling, landfill and the expansion of the 3Rs to 6. This will include creating alternative uses for many of the every day items we recycle or send to landfill, and exploring the many possible options available to us if we use our imagination and creativity.
Year 5
This term the Year 5 students will -
- research the benefits of reducing, reusing and recycling waste items
- identify ways to limit landfill contribution by reducing, reusing and recycling waste items
- identify ways to reuse plastic waste items through transmutation
- research the impact of food waste on Australian fruit and vegetable producers
- investigate the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
Year 6
This term the Year 6 students will –
- research the benefits of reducing, reusing and recycling waste items
- identify ways to limit landfill contribution by reducing, reusing and recycling waste items
- identify ways to reuse plastic waste items through transmutation
- research the impact of food waste on Australian fruit and vegetable producers
- investigate the Great Pacific Garbage Patch
- begin to formulate ideas about a topic to research and create a workshop to be presented to younger students.
Friday 1st March Schools Clean Up Australia Day
Sunday 3rd March Clean Up Australia Day
Saturday 23rd March Earth Hour 8:30pm-9:30pm