School News

Easter Raffle
Join in the excitement of our annual Easter Raffle fundraiser!
Here's how it works:
Every family is invited to contribute Easter eggs of various sizes and types, which we use to create numerous prizes for the raffle. Last year, thanks to the generous donations from our families, we had over 100 fantastic prizes. We would also appreciate any donations of baskets or other Easter gifts for the prizes.
Please ensure all donations are at school by Monday 25th March.
Members of the Junior School Council will collect eggs from classrooms each day. Attached to this Compass post are 10 tickets priced at $1.00 each, which each family can sell. Additional tickets can be collected from the office or printed at home.
Please return all tickets and money to the office by Wednesday 27th March.
The funds raised will support the initiatives of the Junior School Councillors. They will gather input from the student body to identify positive changes that can enhance our school environment.
Join us for the exciting prize draws during our Easter Assembly on Thursday 28th March, starting at 9:15 am.
Following the assembly, all other prizes will be drawn and delivered to the classrooms. Don't miss the Prep Easter Bonnet Parade, which will conclude the assembly as they head down to the Concourse. We appreciate your support and hope you become one of the lucky prize winners!
Each year Beaumaris Primary School participates in Clean Up Australia Day and this year we have all year levels participating which is wonderful, as “Waste” is the focus this term in Environmental Science.
Next week on Friday 1st March it’s Schools Clean Up Australia Day. In the table below you will see where each year level will be doing their clean up. If you would like to join in please let your child’s class teacher know. We suggest students bring their own gardening/rubber gloves if possible. There are also many local events taking place on Sunday 3rd March, in case you are keen to participate in local clean ups.
Year Level | Clean Up Location | Clean Up Time |
Prep | Prep Playground, Kitchen Garden, Sandpit | 9:10am |
1 | Shade cloth, asphalt are out the front of The Pavilion building | 2pm |
2 | Herbert Street side gardens outside 2AW and 2W, blue umbrella shade asphalt between SALC/Year 2 corridor and outside staffroom courtyard, boys toilet entrance (outside 2H and 2R classrooms) | 2pm |
3 | Down Emily St through the Concourse to the front picnic area. Along Reserve Rd to the Beaumaris Library. Down Cloris Ave and returning to school via Dalgetty Rd. | 2pm |
4 | Perimeter of Beaumaris Primary School | 2pm |
5 | Banksia Reserve (Beaumaris Sports Club) | 2pm |
6 | Beaumaris Community Centre | 2pm |